Chapter Three

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Thomas was finally able to stand without help. He didn't talk much for the whole time we were at the library. I couldn't blame him. I'm honestly so afraid of myself now that I rarely look in the mirror. As I flipped through a book of urban legends from across the country, Thomas tapped my shoulder and handed me a book. "It was on a cart at the end of the row," He whispered, pointing to a cart stacked with books sitting next the shelf. I nodded and smiled. "Thanks Tommie...." He nodded and disappeared behind the shelves.

Before scanning the book, the librarian gave me a troubled look. "Sweetie, are you sure you don't wanna find a more.....normal book?" I shook my head and handed her my library card. She kept insisting that I should get another book, but I calmly refused, though I felt the.....darker part of me start to get angry. "Ma'am, please, I'd just like to check out the book." I whispered in a strained voice. To my relief, she complied and the dark side calmed.

The book Thomas had picked out was Threatened written by...the Mayor himself. The author's note gave me a sensation that chilled me to the bone:

Dear Reader,
The man mentioned here is 100% real. If you were able to check out this book, the librarian who checked it out for you will be no more. He doesn't like his story to be known. If you read past the first page and continue on, you have put yourself in grave danger. I, myself, as the author of this book, am in extreme danger for putting this information into words as a guide. Dear Reader, I suggest you put this book back wherever you found it and allow it to be lost in the library system. Read on, if you dare to be threatened.

I slammed the book close and let out a long breath. What did it mean by, dare to be threatened? What would I be put in danger of? I can't understand why I'm so shaken up over an author's note since I've performed even riskier rituals before to rid myself of this demon inside me. Reading the book would be nothing. But why is it that this book seemed....creepier than the others? Who is the book about? I'm scared to read on but curiosity burned within me so I flipped the page.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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