(30) Found and Hospital

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*Ronnies P.O.V*

I held Chelsea in my arms as we stumbled through the forest.Hopefully we can run into one of the guys so we can get out of here as fast as possible.I can't tell Chelsea I've been hit..She will freak out even more and I wouldn't blame her.She was asleep in my arms after crying for the longest time - I wouldn't blame her though - Most people in her circumstances may have killed themselves along time ago in all honesty (I would if I was stuck with Ashley for over a year) I stumbled and barely kept my balence and i placed Chelsea very softly into the drying grass as i took my flannel shirt off and pulled up my trousers to where the bullet hit my leg.I ripped my flannel and tied a piece around my wound to stop the bleeding.Chelseas neck was dripping blood still but it wasn't severe but she still needed medical help and alot of other help for everything she has been through.Chelsea stirred as I picked her up and immediately said "Ronnie?"

"I'm here Chelsea" I replied

"Is Amber alive??" Chelsea murmured

"Who?" I asked now really concerned.Who's Amber?Another kidnapped girl?Dear Lord....

"My doggy Ashley got me for Christmas" Chelsea said.

"Um...Yes! Of course" I replied quickly.I may have to make a quick stop at Ashleys then to get the dog after we find the guys and call the cops.

I moved Chelsea to my back and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck - I was able to go faster now.I think Chelseas sight may be blurred from tears cause she didn't notice the red patch on my jeans.

Suddenly I heard yeling and saw Andy,Alex and the whole gang running towards us.I ran towards them and we all caught up and hugged eachother.Rian immediately called the cops and Andy pulled Chelsea from my back and swung her around and cuddled her close while sobbing and apologising.

"Good boy" Chelsea said and patted Andy's head fondly making us laugh.She's completely out of it but that's a good thing at this present moment.

Andy took Chelsea off me and brought her to Alex's car which he brought into the forest and Zack got me a first aid kit and helped me out.He also have me food which I gratefully ate.

I heard police sirens in the distance and suddenly there was a swat team,10 police cars,a helicopter and 3 ambulances at the scene along with a fire brigade.

I was confused about the fire brigade till I looked behind me at the forest.The dept of the forest was in flames!I couldn't believe it - Maybe Jack or something went back to make sure Ashley was dead.That's something he would do.I felt relieved as he came back from that way.I was put into an ambulance and driven off and seen Chelsea being carried by Andy to the other one beside me.

*Andys P.O.V*

I say desperately in the waiting room of the hospital.I always hated hospitals but I wouldn't leave Chelsea here alone for the world along with Ronnie - He's a hero.Ronnie got the bullet removed but needs bed rest and to hobble along of crutches for a few weeks afterwards.Chelsea was still getting examined and stuff since Ashley did awful things to her and she's now severely underweight and malnourished.I got called in and Chelsea was asleep and hooked up to a drip.

"What's that for and what's wrong??" I asked the plump nurse.

"Well..Her insides are damaged and we need to feed her food and glucose to get her back to normal along with regular counselling and tablets..We also need to contact her parents but she needs rest first before the police starts questioning her and stuff.She's still pretty drowsy and tried as you can see sir" The nurse said gesturing at Chelsea.I nodded in agreement and sat in the chair beside Chelsea.I stroked her.The nurses gave her a new nightgown and a shower so she wasn't messy anymore.Her dark circles were still there but she looked at peace in bed.

I decided to close my eyes and maybe get some sleep too till I'm dragged off to be questioned by the cops aswell.

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