lost it all

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WARNING: This chapter contains abuse, big time!

'Fucking rain.' She muttered pulling her hoodie further over her her head and walking through a puddle.

'SHIT!' She exclaimed as the cold water began seeping into her black Converse.

'Converse are not the best shoes for England in November'

As she rounded the corner of her street, her 'home' came into view. Itwas old and neglected, with peeling paint and an overgrown lawn. It was a wonder anyone could live in it judging from the outside. She walked the path and stopped at the porch, delving her hands into her pockets. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself, just as she did everyday. Shoving her keys into the lock, she turned them clockwise, forcing the door open.

The sight that greeted her eyes was just the same as any other day, wooden floor, fag butts and peeling paint.

Pausing her iPod she nervously shouted 'I'm home!'

No response.

She quietly walked out into the dining room, where she expected her dad to be. He had his head down on the table, surrounded by empty 'Stella Artois' cans and ciggarette butts. The smell of smoke and alcohol lingered in the air, the smell that Isabel could never seem to get rid of. She quickly slipped back out of the dining room and beggan to make her way upstairs.

'IZZIE! ISABEL!' A voice called out to her, sounding half if not completley drunk.


'Come here!'

'Oh fuck.' She muttered.

'What did you say?!?'

'Nothing, so umm I'm here.' She said with a fake smile on her lips.

'Stand there.' He said indicating to a corner in the room.

'Wh---why?' She questioned.

'Just do as I say you fucking bitch!'

The smile slipped from her face as she made her way to the corner of the room.

'So, your school keeps ringing me up. Been saying you've been giving lip to the teachers.'

'I don't think so...' She lied.

'Shut the fuck up!' He said as he smacked her across the cheek leaving a burning red mark.

'So I'llask you again, have you been giving lip to your teachers?' he spat.

'No! no--- no I...'

'Wrong answer.' Stepping forward, he slapped his hand across the other cheek, shocking her and jolting her head. Her skull wacked the wall next to it. her head began pounding and she stumbled, hand resting on the wall. That hand was punched away from the wall and she collapsed, head first into the corner.

'So this was why he wanted me in the fucking corner' Isabel thought.

A hard fist buried itself in her stomach as she gasped in pain and fell to the floor. Feeling a sticky, hot residue on her head, she touched it. Blood. Smearing her had into it, she spread it around. He might let her go after seeing how much blood there was.

'Shit.' He muttered. 'Go and get yourself cleaned up you worthless piece of shit. Go and cut your arms open as well you emo bitch. Go on!' He shouted, kicking her in the knee.

The pain that standing caused was agonising. She rested on the wall and grabbed her bag. Then she moved as quicky as she dared up the stairs, limping slightly. She had twisted her ankle when she fell on the floor, making walking difficult. limping to her room, she shoved the door open and left her bag next to her bed. she made her way to the bathroom and slid the lock on the door.

'You ugly piece of shit.' Isabel announced gazing at her reflection. Running the cold tap, She tied her hair up roughly. Wetting her hand, she placed it on the gash at her hairline and started washing it out. Her hair was covered in blood, but that didn't matter, she would have a shower later. Once the gash was clean, she stubled her way back to her room, tissue in hand.

Collapsing on her bed, she pulled her iPod from her pocket and lazily shoved her earphones in. she hit shuffle and Devils choir. began playing. Pressing the tissue to the side of her head, she began staunching the flow of blood. Closing her eyes, she slipped into a dreamless sleep.


She awoke 5 hours later with a start. Pulling her earphones out, she noticed the amount of blood on her bed. She had black bedsheets so no one would really see the blood unless they were looking for it. pulling the tissue away from her head that was semi-glued there due to conglead blood, she stood and shuffled her way to the bathroom.

Isabel rinsed the side of her face again and looked in the mirror. She looked like shit. Her eyeliner had been smudged and wiped in various places around her face. The rest of her face was blotched with bruises, already with a slight yellow tinge to them, and to make matters worse, the entire right hand side of her face was covered in blood. Drying her hands, she pulled her hairband from her mess of hair and tied it into a neat ponytail.

Walking back to her room, she gazed at her Black Veil Brides posters that lined the walls. Grabbing her iPod she shut the door and slid down it. She sat on the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees, pressed play and let the music fill her mind. Lost it all was the song that picked her back up when this happened.

What did you think? Bit of a rubbish ending sorry. Like share and comment and I will put the next chapter up when this one hits 100 reads :) Thank you for reading this much!!!

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