Let You Down

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Okay so hopefully a slightly longer chappie, I might update early but I dunno yet. depends how long not takes to write I guess. Involves swearing. enjoy!

Isabel's POV


'oh for fucks sake!' I mumbled whilst slamming my hand down on the alarm. what the fuck have I been doing at the weekend?? oh right yeah, recovering. strolling up to the mirror and and glancing at the girl I saw there I noticed her eyes were to rimmed form exhaustion. how the hell?... I've been sleeping so much! the bruises were yellowing and easy enough t o cover with foundation, and the cuts and scrapes were healing up nicely. the school wouldn't notice anyway.

pulling my makeup bag from my school bag I saw my English book sitting there glaring at me. I had homework due today. shit. Quickly smearing on a thin layer of foundation and a thin coat of mascara and pencil eyeliner I decided it would do. looking at my clock I realised I don't have enough time to do my English homework. I needed to go. I live 20mins away from school and if I don't leave now I will have to face the humiliation of being late. grabbing my bag, I stuffed the books I needed today into it along with my notebook, makeup and a random chewed up pen.

Today will be a rubbish day. I told myself as I walked out the front door.

The walk to school was agonising, made worse by the fact I left my phone and I iPod behind. Walking through the gates I saw some preppy dude with a wallet hanging out of his pocket. Bad idea. Too easy. brushing up against him I quickly pulled it from his pocket and sped up. As soon as I rounded the corner I opened it, pulled out the cash and change and shoved it into my pocket then dropped the wallet back on the floor. My parents never get me anything or give me money, so I have to steal. It's my only way out. Now it's just become an addiction but I've got good at it. aybe one day it will stop. They never question where I get my money or stuff from, I think they know but they just either don't care or don't want to talk about it.

Art. I had art first, that was good, I don't really like many subjects, well I pretty much only liked art and music, so I was excited despite the bitches in my class.

Plonking myself down on my normal seat I took out my pad and watercolours, I began to get to work on the peice I had to finish from last lesson. it was the profile view of a girl with her hair twisting and turning in the breeze in my head. the colour scheme was blue, not really my style but I decided to mix it up a bit.

'Oh go and sit there next to Isabel.'I heard my teacher say. what? no! is she stupid or what? Looking back down at my sketchpad the chair next to me got pulled out and someone sat down.

'Nice painting.' The voice next to me said. 'I wouldn't have used blue though.'

'I... uh thanks? blues not really  my col-' I looked up at the male sitting next to me and stopped dead in my tracks. He was not what I was expecting. e had flicky jet black hair and electric blue eyes rimmed with eyeliner. Eyeliner? What? is he stupid at this school? 'Act cool, act cool' I told myself.

'Um are you new here?' I questioned him. I would have remembered seeing him around school.

He gave a half smile and answered 'Yeah I am. I moved here from Manchester over the weekend.'

'Ah okay. How come you don't have the accent then?'

'Oh well I just think it sounds stupid. I'd much rather speak normally than like that, so I just sort of forced myself not to get sucked into it. I used to have the accent but I managed to change it. Don't ask me how!' He held up his hands in mock surrender.

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