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soi finally got 100 reads on chapter 2!!!!! I will update this one when it gets 100 reads. umm I was kinda stuck for ideas so I'm not totally sure what's going to happen. I'm also. very sorry for this chapter taking so long to write I've been busy and couikdnt think :\ enjoy! :) !!!!!!!!TRIGGERING!!!!!!!!

the closing notes of 'lost it all' and she came to terms with the fact that she didn't feel any better. that was unusual. she still felt the need to slice the skin on her wrists open. isabel knew it didn't actually make anything better, but she started cutting to help her cope with everything that was going on and now she is addicted. she would give anything to stop but she just can't.

' well there goes me being 6 days clean.' she muttered. walking over to her wardrobe, she began humming 'saviour' to herself and pulled the doors open. piles of clothes were hurled our behind her (mostly black) until eventually she re-surfaced with what looked like a small purse with a simple sip on, all in black. she shoved the clothes back in the wardrobe and sat against the door. unzipping the purse and emptying its contents, she had a pile of what she considered to be blades in front of her. a pair of scissors, 6 hair grips, 2 blades from pencil sharpeners and 5 razor blades.

'choose your weapon.' she said aloud. after some deliberation, one of the razor blades were selected. she put the rest of the items back into the purse and rolled her sleeve up. under the hoodies she always wore hid cut and scarred arms. she had long ago run out of space on her arm and now searched for patches of scars to go back over. seeing a patch of scars, she pressed the razor blade to her arm and swiped it across her arm. a dotted line of red quickly appeared as she moved the blade and repeated the process only slightly deeper. when she was done, she had 6 lines gradually getting deeper up her arm. she had never cut so deep that it needed stitches or would not stop bleeding, sure she had ones that took a couple of hours to stop bleeding but nothing overly major. pulling a tissue from her pocket she dabbed the worst of the bloodaway, leaving great big smears around the cuts. it bothered her that her savior came in the form of a a razor blade but this is how Isabel  lives now.

she grabbed her phone and connected to the internet. that was one thing her dad did have, god knows what for. logging onto Facebook and scrolling through her news feed she saw something that made her scroll back up again, and that was out of character for her.


announced a post along with a picture of places and dates in the UK.

'what the hell?...' she whispered. logging out of Facebook and into twitter, she searched for @andybvb and sure enough, there is his tweets he announced they would be doing a short tour of the UK that would run from the 15th of November to the 22nd of December.

'what's the date?... oh the 7th.' she recalled from writing it I. her science textbook earlier that day. about the only thing she had written against her will.

checking the dates they were in the UK on the 2nd and 3rd of December. standing up, she walked over to her BVB calendar and flipped the page. she ran her finger across the picture of the guys and tapped the box that had a big number 2 in it.

Isabel POV

'hmmm a Thursday and a Friday huh?' I wondered aloud. somehow, I will find a way to go. I'm not sure how, but I will. I have to.

okay sorry this is so short!!! promise the next one will be longer! and yayyyy first isabel POV at the end. thank you for reading:) ilysm

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