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"So why don't we, love?", Killian got a bit annoyed. Far too long he felt imprisoned. He loved Emma, Henry, the Charmings but he missed the sea, missed his ship, missed the life of a pirate - or at least a sailor. His reputation was ruined, being a pirate from now on impossible – anyway, he was the True Love of Crown Princess Emma of Misthaven.

So much has changed in the last year. Storybrooke was left behind, vanished again. A few stayed behind in the modern world but nearly everyone came back - back home to the Enchanted Forest. Now Queen Snow and King Charming were building up their kingdom again. With a little help of Regina and Emma, Henry was having the time of his life, but he, Captain Killian Jones, felt misplaced.

He was having another discussion with Emma, about a mission Charming wanted to send him on. The king himself had talked Emma into joining Killian on the mission. "But it will be a year, Killian. I can't leave them that long, I can't leave Henry", she sat on the edge of their bed, face in her hands. He did understand her, her concerns, her anxiety, but it was the first time in a long time he wanted something to fight for. Even Snow White told Emma to go. That they would take care of Henry. That she should go with her pirate uhm former pirate. 

He now was Captain Killian Jones of the Royal navy of Misthaven. Back again in the navy, again sailing under the flag of a kingdom, but this time it was different as the princess was his girlfriend. As his loyalty was not for anyone - it was the loyalty for her and her parents, her kingdom. He sighed and sat next to her. "Emma, love, I do understand, but this is important. For me." She looked up, she could see the concern on his face, the importance for him. He was now back on duty but she and he knew that this was just a title, just a job so he did anything. He would go anywhere for her, he would do anything for her. But when King Charming gave him the opportunity to go on a mission at sea and take her with him he was in head over heels. 

But now he had to talk her round. His Swan, his love, his life. He wouldn't go without her. One year without her in his life had been enough. He would stay. Find another profession - for her. There was enough work to do. He would do anything for her as long as he was by her side. But he instantly hoped that she would come with him. Support his wish, his desire. Maybe it was selfish but the sea was calling his name and official or not, he still was a pirate, a man of the sea.

He sighed again. "Let's just go to bed, love." He got up again and went to undress himself. Emma watched him leaving their bedchamber. She hated to disappoint him, she knew he had done so much for her, but she couldn't leave Henry and her family that long. Or could she? On her daily walk with Snow today, the Queen herself tried to talk her into sailing away. Taking her time with Killian. Emma still was the Saviour, but there weren't any enemies to defeat. She has fulfilled her destiny. Now was time to enjoy her luck and her life. With Killian. Emma sighed and laid back. She thought about the last year. It had been such a different to the years before. She decided to stay with her family although that meant to go to the Enchanted Forest. To leave the modern world behind. But she needed to be with her family. Now that she was reunited she never wanted to leave them again. But she understood Killian. He gave up so much, he changed his life for her in more ways than she ever could for him. It was only one year, so why not. She trusted her parents, she trusted Regina and she trusted Killian - so many people to rely on and everyone told her to go, to enjoy, to live.

She hadn't noticed that Killian was back. He sat next to her and kissed her forehead. "We don't have to go, Emma. You know it doesn't matter where we are as long as I'm with you." Emma opened her eyes, tears welling behind them. She knew it was no lie, she knew he would stay for her. "I know and that's why we are leaving." "Swan, I really do...WHAT?" His eyes blew wide, a huge grin on his face. "You say, we go on the mission? Swan, are you sure?" Emma sat up and smiled at him. She was sure. The look on his face, the wide grin, the sparkling eyes. It was the right decision. "Yes, I am." Killian suddenly kissed her. It was a passionate and heated kiss. His hands held her tight. When he broke the kiss he hugged her. "I love you so much, Emma." She smiled and pressed her body to his. "And I love you, Captain Jones."

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