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Emma was very nervous. It was one thing to deejay in a small club or at private parties but this, this was something else.

Emma breathed in heavily. Calm down, everything is going to be alright.

She looked around, the room she was waiting in and nibbling on her bottom lip was dark with huge tables and some chairs in it. All deejays were allowed to be in here. There were backpacks all over the place, a small group chatted in a corner, water bottles stood around, coats and jackets carelessly hung over chairs.

Nobody paid her any attention. She played with the small purse in her hands. In it was her most precious treasure. Her USB sticks with all her music. You can do this. This is your chance. Don't mess it up.

"Swan? You are next, 10 minutes", a young man told her and left again. Emma's breath caught. She grabbed her water bottle and drowned half of it in one go.

She got up and went to the stage. The loud beat calmed her down. She observed the DJ on the turntables. Suddenly someone tapped on her shoulder and told her to go on stage. She took a deep breath and stepped on stage.

From this moment on everything went great. The other DJ kissed her cheeks and hugged her while they replaced the equipments. She was surprised how calm she was. When the other one left the stage, Emma merged into the music.

She observed the crowd in front of her, they jumped and danced, smiled and screamed. Emma swayed with the music, her headphones hung lose on her ears. She changed the music to involve the crowd.

It was intoxicating. The people, the music, the beat, the atmosphere - it was overwhelming. Emma didn't noticed the photographer who made thousands of pictures. "You have to cover for another twenty mins", a voice told her. Emma smiled and gave a thumb up. She again changed the music.

The crowd screamed and Emma decided to get on the table. She didn't know if it was okay or not but she didn't care. She justified something at the turntables and hopped on the table. She danced, raised her hand and smiled broadly.

Suddenly someone brought her a microphone and some shirts. The man pointed at the crowd and Emma understood. She hopped down, turning the music back and started to speak in the microphone.

"How are you?", she asked making the crowd scream even louder. "I know you all are waiting for the one and only", she grinned and hopped on the table again. The screams of the crowd were nearly louder than the music.

"But I have here something for you." She unfolded a shirt, the crowd screamed again. She adjusted the music and turned back to the crowd.

"I wanna see your hands. Follow me!", she raised her hands to the left. Everyone mimicked her. She bend over to the right. Everyone followed her. "Are you ready for this?", she presented the shirt and the crowd screamed. Emma waited, she knew within the next seconds there would be a specific part of the music. "Hands up aaaaaand jump jump jump! Come on everybody!"

She threw a shirt in the midsection of the crowd. "Come on, jump jump jump", she yelled and another shirt flew into the crowd.

The music changed and she bet down to adjust it a bit. Suddenly the bluest eyes on planet locked with hers. She couldn't do anything else than smile shyly.

She turned again and heated the crowd even more. "You still with me? I can't hear you!" The crowd answered with screams. Emma turned once more to search for these blue eyes. When she found him staring at her, she shook her ass and the crowd freaked out.

Without any warning she turned and threw two shirts into the crowd. "Who are all of you waiting for?" "Hook - Hook - Hook", the crowd screamed. "All right. One shirt left and the Captain is already here. So count with me. TEN." She paused a beat. "NINE." Pause. "EIGHT" Pause. "SEVEN" Pause "SIX" Pause " "FIVE-FOR-THREE-TWO-ONE." She threw the last shirt into the dancing and screaming crowd and turned slowly. The man stood right behind the turntables nodding. "Thank you guys. Here is the one you waited for. You were the blast! Welcome Captain Hook!"

Captain Swan at the turntablesWhere stories live. Discover now