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My name is Evelyn-Rose. That is it. No last name Evelyn (My name)-Rose (my sector). My father has a last name, because our Master, Cassandra, sees him often in her dreams. His last name is classified. I will never know it, unless Sandy starts seeing me in her dreams. But their is no chance of that. No matter what you do, it is up to your Master to see you or not. Master never sees me. During her dreams, my feet carry me to wherever suits Sandy, even if she doesn't know it. Everyone hates dream school. It is so confusing! One second it is calculus, the next, anatomy of a dog. I hate it here.
Sandy is bullied in real life, by a girl named Ally Whitewater. In Sandy's dreams, it is the other way around. Guess who my bestie is? You got, Ally W.. I suppose that is enough back story for now... Oh wait. One last rule. We can never NEVER NEVER tell sandy she is dreaming. If we do manage to, which is hard. Your mouth feels glued together,  uh-uh! Do NOT do it trust me. Well, that is all. Bye-bye. For now. Please read on for more.

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