School Is Out For Summer

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"Ally.... ALLY!" I was screaming across the pavilion, and everyone was looking, but I didn't care. I had to tell her before she went home. She lived all the way in Basil sector. It was only 3:30, and Sandy wouldn't be going to sleep until 9-ish. Conscience had told us that. But i wouldn't see Ally and be able to talk to her until tommorow. She turned around and glared.
"What do you want Evel-" she started to say, when suddenly the entire world went taunt, like a rubber band about to snap. But that made no sense. It only did that before a drea- the rubber band snapped. I was thrown into classroom 496. Everyone donned expressions Conscience thought appropriate, of course, but you could feel the confusion in the air.
"Class," said the teacher crisply, though not of her own free will. "We have a new classmate. Cassandra. I believe you all know her?"
We all answered in unison. "Yes ma'am." Cassandra waltzed in the door just as we finished.
"Hi, y'all." she said, in the Kentucky accent she so wanted in real life. "We are learning all 'bout geom'try, right?" No! I thought. It is art, my favori- I looked around. The room had lost all if its art supplies. What the heck! I hate dream land.
"Yes," said Mrs. Ollisan, the teacher. "It is." Cassandra nodded. We got started, all though some of had to do with how to use a phone, or how to eat a hotdog, or the proper place for a semi-colon. Oh well.

Later that night, at home, while eating dinner (since my father had a last name, he could put in a suggestion with Conscience for dinner, to be approved or disapproved. This time it was approved. Lamb chops and green beans), we discussed topics approved by Conscience, our oh so "benevolent" leader.
"How was school?" Mom.
"Amazing!" Me.
"I was valect-" Dad started to say, but his mouth glued shut. That was only during day class. The proper answer would of been 'That is great!' I worried for him. Four more slip ups and he would be sent to a dead brain cell. Only then did I realize I was halfway through a sentence about sports. Suddenly I got up and headed to bed. My mother's mouth formed the words 'Bed time.'
When I found myself in bed, my eyes closing and my breathing evening out, I thought how strange Sandy would find it that we never sleep. Then I waited for the broadcast that would inevitably come from Conscience. And it did. I saw her in my mind. She was pretty, beautiful even. A heart shaped face, not plump, not thin; ringlets around it like a frame. She had bright blue-green eyes, a small button nose, and red, plump lips.
"Hello darlings. You may have noticed a disruption today. Even our finest man, Intuition, unfortunately, could not predict this. Sandy was in a car accident today. She is in a- in a coma." she shook her head slowly. I gasped in my head. The worst thing to happen to a dream-lander is for their Master to go into a coma. It could mean a life sentence of slavery to Conscience. I was- quite frankly- terrified. But I showed no emotion. That could mean death, banishment, or imprisonment. Instead, I silently screamed in my head. This was the worst thing to ever happen to me.

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