Poor Ally

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I went to school next morning feeling ill. On a regular day, I would've stayed home, but today was not regular. Last night, when my father came to tell me good night, he had given me a map. To where, I'll never know. I didn't care. My father had just ruined my family's reputation. After about 15 minutes, i could hear my father pleading for mercy, as the Signals came to take him away.
Now, of course, Conscience was keeping a close eye on me and my mother. So face straight, chin up, i walked into the school. Luckily, Cassandra wasn't there anymore. In my classroom, I should say. I felt the air start to tingle. Conscience was sending out a message.
"Hello Dreamlanders. As y'all well know, Sandy is in a coma. This mean we all need to work together to fulfill her every wish." Wait, what? Nothing about waking her up. Our duty was to protect and serve Sandy. My thoughts bounced around like rubber balls in my head, but my outward appearance was cool and collected. Until I got to my locker and it was gone. "Hmmmm..." I muttered while wondering what to do.
Suddenly, Sandy was behind me. "Hey, Johnson, looking for something?" I briefly wondered who Johnson was, Until I realized it was me! I had a last name! But my excitement was short lived. Sandy was dangling my entire locker in front of my face. How? I don't know....dream magic! Duh.
"Listen up, Goldie," Sandy snarled. "I know you and Ally Whitetrash are best friends, which means you," she jabbed a finger at my chest, "are public enemy number 2." She crossed her arms and sneered. Ah crap, I thought. My life is over

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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