Chapter 12

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Zayn's POV:

"Babe... Babe..." I slowly opened my eyes as I felt someone shaking me.

I finally opened my eyes and saw the love of my life sitting beside me. I slightly sat up leaning on my elbow for support as she leaned in to give me a quick kiss.

"Babe, I have to go now, and you have to get ready in 15 minutes too, you have a morning radio interview" she stood up as she gathers her stuff then that I just noticed that she was already all ready to go.

"What time is it?" I lazily asked collapsing back on my bed

"Quarter to 6"

"Too earllyyy" i groaned and she simply chuckles

"Do you want me to drive you to your flat?" I slowly stood up rubbing my eyes as I grabbed my boxers sliding it on

"Nah, It's alright you have to get ready too and we can't risk the paps.."

"Let me at least walk you to the front door" she nodded agreeing

After she grabbed her phone and handbag we walked out of my room and walked to the living room.

Liam walked to the living room as well from the kitchen holding a cup of tea

" wow Zayn I can't believe you're up this early... "

"Yeah yeah whatever..." Sleepy still i answered

"You should stay the night here more often Pez" Liam said chuckling and Perrie started nodding and laughing at the same time.

"Anyway i have to go now." Perrie stated

"Would you like a cup of tea before you go?" Liam offered politely

"No but thank you" Perrie answered smiling

Liam nodded as he walked off waving bye at Perrie as he was going to I'm guessing Niall's room to wake him up considering Louis is already awake he probably would wake Harry up so yeah.

"I'll call you later yeah?" She smiled and nodded.

I gently pulled her closer by her waist and kissed her, she kissed back shortly then pulled away looking up to me

"I love you..." She said looking into my eyes

"I love you" i kissed her temple for the last time before she finally opened the front door and started walking to her car.

"Take Care have a great day i love you!" I yelled and she simply waved and blew a kiss, I being cheesy pretended to catch it.

I opened the gate by pressing one of the buttons and as her car got out off the drive way I pushed another button making the gates close

I closed the front door still debating wether to sleep again or finally get ready.

I finally came up with the greatest and bravest decision i have ever made it's to "Get ready and don't fall back asleep"

I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and as I started drinking it I sighed remembering last night's conversation with Perrie before we fell asleep.

I don't know why I'm so bothered by this, i'm so bothered that if her parents really do tell her to follow their orders and stop seeing me she will obey.

I love it that she values and love her parents that much but parents aren't always right and we love each other.

But why am I so bothered, she's with me we're happy we love each other that's all that should matter.

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