Chapter 29

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Harry's POV:

My whole world just came crashing down right in front if my eyes.


I did not care what they are talking about now and as I heard Zayn's door closed. I finally let go of everything I've been holding inside.

I kicked the couch with all the strength I have making it almost flip over when Liam came rushing to my side.

Of course they know how I feel about Selena.

It's been very obvious the whole world knows except for Selena.

"Mate calm down." Liam calmly said holding my shoulders firmly

"Look mate I love you and I don't want to put it on you or anything but you could have got Selena before Zayn ever thought of it." Niall said looking at me

I sighed knowing his right.

"I'm stupid." I groaned running my hands through my messy hair

"No, you're not you actually just showed me that you really love Selly." Louis said shocking us all

"What?" I asked confused

"You know that what she needs is a friend not a boyfriend so even though it hurts you decided to stay friends with her instead of taking the selfish decision of taking advantage of being so close to her." He explained

"We all know that you know Selly so much better than Zayn does." Liam said catching up with whatever Louis is thinking

" you don't want to hurt her by dragging her into a relationship when she's emotionally not prepared, being away from home, having confused feelings and coming from a not so good break up." Louis continued

"I guess your right." I answered shrugging as Niall patted my back.


"Sel." I spoke as I saw her reading her lines

"Harry!" She excitedly walked to me giving me a hug.

"I'm so sorry I missed your calls last night." She led me to a seat as we sat down and talked

"It's okay i'm just happy that you're feeling better..." I said smiling she grinned back smiling as well

"Oh and congratulations to you and Zayn." Trust me it takes a lot of self control not to breakdown in front of her right now after saying those words.

Her eyes widened "you know? How?" She asked

"Zayn. He told us when he arrived in the house he seems pretty proud." She blushed looking down

"But that doesn't change anything right? You know us being best friends??" I asked hopefully

It hurts just being friends but as what I said before I'll take it better than nothing at all.

She nodded happily "of course! Zayn was actually complaining on how close we are but I told him that we were really close already and you've been there for me before Perrie and him broke up."

Electricity shocked my body knowing that she stood up for me and that she values what we have.

Her face saddened and I looked at her worried "what's wrong?"

"I'm just ... I don't know I guess I'm afraid that Zayn still loves Perrie." She sighed

Honestly I really think Zayn still loves Perrie. Not just because I love Selena and it pains me knowing that they're together now but the truth is I have a feeling that Zayn is still in love with Perrie and Perrie still love Zayn as well.

I never say it out loud of course, as much as I want to be honest with what I think I can't afford to hurt Selena in any way.

Plus she already have a feeling about it.

"Why did you said yes then?."

"We were kinda caught at the moment and I... You know how I feel about Zayn..." She admitted

Those words that 'we are caught at the moment' remained in my head as The director called Selena for another take of her scene.

I just sat there trying to get the painful thoughts that I am having by just hearing those words.

I couldn't blame Zayn for wanting Sel, I mean every time my skin touches Selena's I couldn't help but feel tingling sensations. And honestly when we hang out alone It takes a lot of self control for me not to do anything with her.

I've never went this long time without having sex with anyone. I easily can if I want to not that I'm bragging but even if I can, I can't put myself into doing so because all I think about is Selena and how disappointed she will be that I proved the tabloids and gossip shows right by going around getting some.

Plus All i ever want to do it is with Selena she's all I ever day dream about.

The closest I ever got was doing it by myself imagining it was Selena doing it.

My manhood responds to her touches and her beautiful face and body very well, I am almost having a hard time keeping it to myself.

But despite of Selena's hotness and beauty I respect her so much to dive into anything.

After her filming was over she walked back to where I am and I remembered about the party next friday.

"Hey I was gonna ask you something."

She nodded telling me to continue

"Are you free next friday night?." I asked

"Actually Zayn told me he'll be bringing me in a party at yours actually." She answered

"Oh so Zayn already told you? But they moved the place to this particular hotel near a beach it's owned by Simon's friend."

Nice Zayn beat me into inviting her

"That's cool. Who's the party for anyway?" She asked

"5sos are coming like a welcome back party." She grinned almost immediately

Remembering that she likes 5SOS i started grinning as well, ooohhh I already have thought of hundreds of ways to embarrass them in front of Selena this is gonna be fun.

Perrie's POV

I knew what's going on with Sel and Zayn the gossip news and their pictures are everywhere now and then and I'm not mad at any of them.

Honestly I'm not but I am worried about Sel she's being too nice that it gets me thinking that she only took Zayn because she feels bad for him, and I'm worried that she really may fall for Zayn.

Not that I'm bragging or being cocky but I know that Zayn still loves me.

I'll be back in London in 1 month, I don't know what's gonna happen.

I grabbed my phone and decide to send a message to Zayn.

Hoping he would reply I sat down as I waited for his text.



I'll be posting chapter 30 in a while as well then I'll be posting maybe tomorrow xxx

This story is half way through already btw ^_^

Please comment and vote !!

Love you all xxxx

Shout out to my babes

:** Bitchdoe, Noodi1998 and kacestyles xxx <3333

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