Chapter 26

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Selena's POV:

"So we could give it a try yeah?" Zayn asked again as I walked him to his car.

Nodding I answered "yeah."

"So then maybe tomorrow we can hangout?"Zayn asked

"I have plans tomorrow you can come but I'm not sure if you're gonna like the place and the stuff I'll be doing so." I said awkwardly

He nods "It's okay."

"But the next day promise to let me spend time with you ?" His smiled making my knees go weak

"Yeah." I said blushing.

"Oh and by the way there's gonna be a small party in our house next week. I want to be the first one to ask you to come so..." Giggling I nodded

"I'll be there of course."

I was about to say goodbye when He pulled me in kissing my lips lightly sending making my knees go weak but he pulled away immediately.

"Good night." He winks as he got inside the car and drove off.

I don't even know what we are right now.

Harry's POV:

"I seriously don't know what Zayn and I are." Selena spoke through the phone.

"Why what happened? You can tell me if you want?." I said holding back

I want her to tell me.

"Maybe some other time and not over the phone." I really want to know but if she don't want to tell me I'm not gonna push anything.

"So do you have plans tomorrow?" I asked

"Well yeah... You know how I've been really homesick so I'm gonna go do somethings I used to do in America.." I can tell that she's smiling right now.

"Can I come?" I asked hopefully

"Yeah but I'm not sure if it's your thing..." She answered unsure.

"I'll go just text me where it is."


Once again, we talked all night but not once did she mentioned what happened to the 'talk' Zayn and her shared.

I'm in no place to question anything, and that's pretty much what I learned for the past month liking her as she and Zayn are getting on really well it's

"Keep a straight face and know my place."


"Where are you going now?" Liam asked making me stop turning to them.

"I actually have no idea as well." I answered honestly.

It's the truth Sel just texted me the address but i don't know what that place is.

"Who are you gonna be with?" Niall asked

"Selena." I said as Niall, Liam and Louis mouthed it all at the same time and they started laughing.

Narrowing my eyes at them "What?"

"You're gonna see Sel?" Zayn asked popping out of no where.

I simply nodded avoiding his gaze.


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