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Hear ye, hear ye!
My name is FN-2187
And I present free thoughts on the proceedings of the empirical First Order!!

Heed not the tyrants who scream REVOLUTION
They have not your interests at heart

[Insert first order person here]
Oh my god keep an eye on him

Chaos and bloodshed are not the solution
Don't let them lead you astray
This tyrant does not speak for me

Let him be

You're playing a dangerous game
I pray that Leia shows you her mercy
For shame, for shameeeeeeee

Yo, she'd have you all unravel at the sounds of screams but a new empire is coming
The first order's gonna win this
It's hard to listen to you with a straight face
Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us,
Honestly you shouldn't even talk
And what about the Death Star? Look at that part and all that we've got and you talk about empires

This Congress does not speak for me

My old taun-taun speaks more eloquently

They're playing a dangerous game

But strangely your rage is the same

I pray that Leia shows you her mercy

She's my adversary!

For shame!
For shammmeee!

For the revolution!!


If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna scream

Honestly look at me please don't read--

--Not your interests at heart--

Don't modulate the key then not debate with me!!
Why should a tiny Resistance across the space regulate our empirical pace?

General, please!

Ren, I'd rather be devisive than indecisive, drop the niceties

Silence! A message from the rebels, a message from the rebels!

A message from the rebels!!

[A/N: A quick apology - this was one of the first pieces written back in January when we started this project so it's a bit of a different read than the other pieces in this fic. But we are working on the rest of the show - I think our issue is that the second half of the show is a lot more fun to write than the first act , so we're kinda struggling with act 1 lol. no worries-we'll aim to finish this series before the last Jedi comes out. thank you for your continued support !!]

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