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You are not the color of your
You're not defined by if you're fat or thin
You are not the grade of clothes you wear
You're not defined by if you're rich or poor
You're not what people say you are
You don't have to be like any other

You are the things you enjoy doing
You are the home you live
You are your insecurities and fears
You are your smiles and your tears
You're defined by what you say and do
You are the songs you sing when you're alone
You're the deepest,darkest thoughts in your head
And the tears you shed at night on your bed

You are your character, your imaginations
You are your dreams and aspirations
You're defined by your personality
I tell you,maintain your
Why let the unimportant things define you
You're beautiful just the way you are
So,be confident and create your own style
Let the whole world feel your
'Cause you are your own definition

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