About Alexa...

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(This was one of my songs 👑😂💖)

  Alexa is a demon, she is half fox and half human. She follows her master's orders. She mostly spends her days in hell watching people get tortured or torturing themselves. She is a top class demon and is known to be a killing fanatic. Her master aka the devil himself sends her to be people's nuisance, which is to follow people and hurt or convince them to commit suicide or homicide. Alexa is like a drug once you take her you can't ditch her, she is always there watching and listening. In the unexpected she could pop out of nowhere. Only Alexa's victims can see her and interact with her. She will make you go crazy. She has killed a lot of people and still continues her terrible and unforgettable crimes but she's a demon you can't stop her. If you happen to befriend Alexa (which is mostly rare but you'll have to find out for yourself), She will either be forced to kill you, forget about you, and or get assigned a new victim  to torture until he or she punches out his or hers own ticket. Alexa doesn't really make her own choices of her own ways of what to follow or do, she is forced, no matter what task she is given she is forced to do it. Most of the time it doesn't bother her but she wants to now what freedom is really like, she doesn't even believe if it's even possible for her (again wait and find out yourself). Alexa hardly gets time to rest, all it is, is "Alexa attend to this now!" or "Alexa I have another task to in favor you with!", she just wants to actually rest once in awhile. The only fun she has is again torturing people or watching people get tortured.

Alexa didn't really have a good childhood growing up. Yes she had ups and downs and yes she was aware that other people around the world have ever worse situations than her but she wasn't really use to having a bad childhood because she never prepared or saw it coming. She wasn't abused but it was her parents abusive towards each other, yes Alexa did get spanked or whipped but that was what most parents would do to there children disobeying and other nonsense. Like most people in families would either have a mom alcoholic or a dad alcoholic, but she had both. Mostly she would come home to see her parents arguing or even get physical with each other. It's not really common for a kid under the age of thirteen to get use to going to court  or even befriend a police officer and know police officers names by heart from seeing them so much.

Alexa school years were mostly good, she did try her best to get good grades and she would (most of the time). She wouldn't really get bullied that much but in times that she did she wouldn't really care as much people would or react to. She had a couple friends in the past and she had their argues with them and fights but Alexa and her friends themselves would fix it and be friends again like how a good friendship bond would turn out or be.

Alexa did fall into depression in her preteen years them got out of it and it returned shortly after. One night she didn't know what came over herself but she didn't or what felt like didn't have any control of herself what so ever. She didn't really care how her parents would go off on each other but apparently it did. One night Alexa was lying in her soft cozy bed wide awake. Thoughts entered her mind as if her thoughts didn't even get time to process and just went straight to her mind for her to do straight away and not even think before doing. As minds kept filling her mind with unwanted ideas one jacked up one went into thought without even having second thoughts on wether or not to do it she just got out of bed and went out in her backyard to open up her shed and pull out some lighter fluid and a box of matches that only contained five in the small pocket sized box. She closed the shed  and entered back into her house and walked up to her parents room with the items that she gathered from the shed in one hand.

She opened her parents door trying to make a noise of the old creaking floor boards. She walked into her parents room and flinched of the unexpected snore her dad made. She gently opened the cap to the lighter fluid and poured it all over the bed and floor. Alexa flipped open the box of matches and pulled out a match and glide it fiercely on the sandpaper that set the match in flames with one quick hand movement she threw it at the bed the was drenched in lighter fluid as it caught in flames as the screams of pain and agony echoed all in the house soon Alexa was caught in the fire along with the whole house as she died. Soon Alexa woke up in hell...

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