Sweet touch

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I sigh "maybe I was a little hard on him..maybe I should see him again..No!! He will kiss me and that's bad for my mental health.." I shake my head then all the sudden sayu knocks on the door "Liiiggghhhttt!!!" I open the door "y-yes..what is it sayu..?" She smirks "your girlfriend is at the front door calling you honey boo.." She laughs, I facepalm "god dammit..I told her to stop calling me that.." I walk to the door as misa smiles "LIIGGGHHHTTT!!" She glomps me and I nearly fall over "ah!! M-misa!! What a surprise!" I think "great..another day with misa..what fun.." She smiles "lets go somewhere fun!!" I get her off me "y-yeah.." She smiles "how about lunch! Or the movies! No! The park! or the pools! No! No I got it!! How about we go scuba diving! How about the aquarium! Or the zoo!! Monkeys are so cute!! But I don't like elephants! There big and they smell! >_<" I sigh and I think "does she ever shut up..I just had a great nights sleep and here I am getting tired again.." I smile and laugh nervously "how about we just go to the pools..it's hot and we can buy ice cream.." She smiles and hugs my arm "awh!! Light your so romantic!! I'll call you when I'm ready!! Bye!!" She runs off and I walk inside, I get shorts and a towel, I put them in a bag and I think " I can believe I'm doing this.." After a while I get a call from misa, I answer it "hello.." She yells, making my ears hurt "LIGHT-KUN!! IM READY!! I'll be at your house in ten minutes!" I sigh "okay bye.." "I love you" I say this so sarcastically but she believes me "okay..yeah love you." I hang up on her and I face palm, I pick up my bag "I suppose this is a chance to forget about L.." Ten minutes on the dot, there was a knock at the door, I open it and misa was smiling in front of me "hi!! Ready?!" I smile "yep!" She smiles and holds my hand as she runs to the pools, I got changed, I was in black shorts that went down to my knees, I go to the lap pool and I gasp and I start to shake and sweat, as I look at the other end of the pool, I see L!! He was standing at the edge of the pool, he was all wet, he was wearing white shorts, his hair was over his face, he was dripping wet, water drops fell down his pale body, the water making his shorts stick to his skin, making them look tight, I gulp, I look at his face, he shook his hair, it was so hot.. His hair got stuck to his face, I shook my head and went into the normal deep pool with misa, she tried I look cute as she had a circle float, I sigh then I smile "ah..so cute misa.." She blushes "awh! You think so!!" I gave her a smile so fake I couldn't believe it wasn't plastic! "Yeah!" She smiles and swims around, a shiver was sent up my spine as I feel something pinch my butt, as I look behind me I see L, I gasp and I jump back a little I thought he was in the other pool! "w-what are you doing here!?" He smiles "just for fun..what a coincidence your here...come with me." He grabs my wrist and drags me out of the pool, he goes into the steam room, it was really loud in there but I couldn't see a thing, it sounded like no one was in here, all the sudden I felt something press against my lips and something wet go inside of my mouth, in and out, I blush as I realize L was kissing me, I close my eyes as I find a bench there, I sit on it and he sits on me, wrapping his legs around me, I add in my tongue, making a slight noise in the back of my throat, I blush as I feel a lump on my bulge, I blush as I realize it was Ls...y-you know!! >_< , I gasp as L stands up and tugs at my shorts, his saliva made me feel weird, I still don't know why but I help him take them off, he blushes and takes my boxers off, I take his off and he sits on my again, we are both now butt naked, I blush as his shaft rubs against mine as he kisses me again, I feel him palming me and I gasp "a-ah!" Knowing no one can hear me from the outside I could say whatever I wanted "L...h-harder..." As he listen to me I find myself letting out another moan "a-ah!" I make L stand up and I make him lay on the wet, steamy floor, he didn't mind how hard the ground was as I grab his hips, pushing his ass on my shaft, the steam make his ass all wet so I could slip it in without hurting him, as I start to trust I hear him gasping, I thrust faster, I close my eyes, thrusting harder and faster, I dig my hands into his side softly as I gasp quietly, he started to get louder, moaning slightly, I close my eyes tighter, l blushes more and yells "l-light!! I'm gunna!" I blush "a-already?! He nods, I feel his nails grinding on the floor faintly "a-ah!! light!!!!" I blush "h-hold it in!" He blushes more "I-it's my first time!!" I gulp "m-me too.." Now I felt like I was going to cum..I blush deeply "c-crap..now I'm g-gunna.." He screams more "O-oh light!! L-LIGHT!!" I fill my fluids inside of his ass, I puff loudly, the air smelt of a weird aroma, I sit down and he blushes alot "I-it's all on the ground.." I hug him as his eyes widen, I close my eyes "why me..why did you choose me..?" He smiles "because...your my first friend I've ever had.." My eyes were wide open "o-oh...." He gives me my shorts "come on.." I put them on and I walk out, misa hugged me "light!! Where have you been!" I sigh "I was in the sauna.." She glares at L as L glares at her "L..." He nods "misa.." He walks away, looking sort pissed off..I wonder why...I sigh as misa drags me away into the kiddy pool, she splashes around and tries to act all cute, I smile "awh..your so adorable! Too bad I can't go in this water..it's too shallow and I'll look weird in there!" She smiles "it's okay! I'll go in the sauna with you! That would be fun!" I look to the side "a-ah nah....how about we just go in the other deeper p-pools..." She smiles and stands up, clinging onto my arm "okay! Ready! Set! Go!" She jumps. Pulling me in, someone grabs my other arm and misa slips and falls in without me, I get dragged into the sauna again as I feel someone making out with me again, I felt that before, it was L. He pushed me against the sauna walls aggressively "after this. Stay at mine!" I nod and I kiss him back, putting my hands on his hips, pulling him close.

The taste of candy Light X L yaoiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant