make up sex :3 :3 :3 (says it all..)

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I sit on my bed staring at my trembling hands, my heart and head both pounding , those last words of him telling me to stay away and get out made my eyes water, did I dump Misa for nothing..? am I going to die alone..? I thought that to my self as i put my head in my knees and hands as I sobbed softly, knowing I made the mistake of judging him, of laughing.. and teasing... I grind my teeth softly and stand up my stupidity made the anger boil inside of me as i screamed out and punched the nearest wall. "argh!!" I punched the wall again. "HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID!!" I looked down at my trembling, throbbing hand, I noticed how much my hand hurt as the pain surged through my lower arm, wrist area, along with my fingers and knuckles, I winced and closed my eyes, I stumbled back slightly and i held my head, i open my eyes again and I gulp as my vision blurred, I stumbled once more and i fell to the ground with a thump, my vision fading to black.

I got woken up later by my sister sayu screaming out my name and to call an ambulance, I felt sweaty and i felt weak, my hair felt espesially wet, I sat up slightly but I fell back down and water splattered on the side of my face "so that's why I'm wet.. water?" I look to my side and my eyes widen in fear, i realised what was on my face and what I was laying in wasn't water at all, it was bitter tasting, crimson coloured blood.. sayu struggles to sit me up, I was still in such a shock, I couldn't remember why I ended up like this.. I only remembered punching the wall.. my vision fades again slightly and i fall back, this time, a pair of warm hands were here to catch me. I think "thankyou sayu.." before closing my eyes again the second time.

I wake up yet again in a bright white room, I faintly hear people yelling outside, I gasp and sit up realizing it was Ls voice, I had needles and tubes all over and in me, I hear L yelling saying "I want to see him! you can't kick me out!!" I yell and rips everything away from me "r-ryuuzaki!!" I run out the door and I hug him tightly, one of the nurses say "mr. yagami you need to stay in your bed!" but I cling onto L for my dear life, crying and clenching his top "p-please!" I started to get weak "l-let him in!!" the nurses grabbed me and said he could come in for only 5 minutes, I wanted him with me longer but I guess this was good enough.

I lay down, the nurses calm down and walk out, L didn't care, but L was hugging my tightly, he wouldn't let me go, and wouldn't say a word, I was in healthy enough condition for no needles anymore since they were going to be taken out today anyway, his warmth was so calming, so....overwhelming...and his scent?...I dig my head into his shoulder, hugging him tighter, yes, his scent was a very sweet one, I love that smell, its so sweet that it turns me on, his body, smelling as delicate as his body is now.. how vunrable, the thought of him near me makes me want to dig my fingers inside of all his openings...and I loved but hated this feeling as it ovepowered me, making my hand slide up his top, softly running my cold fingers along his boney collarbone, he gasps and my hands trail down to his hips "l-light...s-stop.." his cute nervous voice tingling my body as he whispers softly into it made me sink my nails into his sides, he tilts his head back and gasps, his hair going up and revealing his fringe, I kiss his neck hungrily as i ignored the fact on his face I once laughed about, I hear a small noise break out of his lips as I lick his neck softly, he tasted just as he smelt, what a wonderful scent, too bad I can't handle it.. I lick his neck even harder and suck on bits of his neck, leaving dark red love bites on his pale snow like white skin, he blushes and pushes me away slightly and stares into my eyes, blushing deeply "l-light! y-your lucky I can hide those.." I pout and look sad "why would you want to hide them... do you not love me anymore?" he blinks "n-no, of course not.." I hide my eyes "you hesitated" tears slightly fall from his eyes. "n-no! I didn't! i-i!" he kisses me roughly and i gasp slightly as i kiss him back, my hands running through his hair, I didn't care where i was right now, I just wanted to be with him, I add my tongue in and his adds in as well, he tasted sweeter then chocolate, I don't like sweets or have any particular fetish for candy, but this feeling was hard to control, L and me gasp as the door opens, breaking the kiss reluctantly but fast, a saliva bridge hitting both our chins as we watch the nurse stepping back slightly, blood falling from her nose. "y-your.....friend.. has to leave n-now.." L nods, hugs me, and stands up, I grab onto his sleeve slightly, in a sad voice, I say ever so quietly, only that he could hear "I love you..." he smiles slightly and nods, I let go of him as he walks out, it sort of bothered me how he didn't say it back, but at least he smiled for me.... that takes guts to smile at a unknown killer, ryuuk appears next to me and the nurse leaves me alone with bloody tissues up her nose.

"well hello there you stupid shinigami... what took you so long....?" ryuuk laughs loudly "your the one who told me to leave you alone.. so, why haven't you been using the death note lately, I made that, it has to be put to good use you know!" I look to the side "yeah yeah.. I just haven't had the time.." ryuuk laughs again "what a lame excuse! you always used to have no time, but you still wrote in it! that ryuzaki is putting you off!" I clench my fists and yell "shut up!" the nurse looks at me like I'm a physco, I clear my throat and whisper "s-sorry nurse.." the nurse nods and walks out slowly, ryuuk laughs louder and i grit my teeth and think "damn you shinigami..." he laighs even louder, god dam it.. he pissed me off so much! "fine! just stop fucking laughing and shut your trap and ill write in the fucking book!" ryuuks laugh softly fades as he dissapears through the wall, the last words he said were "I'll be waiting light.." before he left.

a day later and i was able to leave, of course when i was released from the infirmary L was there waiting for me anxiously. his foot was tapping rather fast and his arms were crossed, as soon as i spoke he smiled widely "hi L" he practically glomped me and I winced but laughed as well "haha, e-easy on me okay?" he blushes and grabs my hand "s-sorry.." I blush slightly and think 'w-wow.. he's more openly gay than I thought... does he only care what I think? not others... probably... '

i hold his hand tighter, waking to his home, i was actually quite fine and his home wasnt too far away. "heh L..." he looks at me as he opens his door. "yes? whats wrong?" i smile "nothing.... its fine.." i wanted to tell him who i was.. what I've been doing, but i couldnt.. not now.. i walk into his home, looking around, i noticed watari wasnt here, L hugged me, burying his head into my chest. "im sorry for what i did.. it was uncalled for.." i smile slightly. "its fine L.. i forgive you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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