Chapter 1

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"Here you go, Mama." I said as I handed my Mom the plate of pancakes. "Should I wake Amin and Ibrahim up?"
"Please do, darling. I fear they will not wake up unless you shake them awake." She answered as she placed the plates and cutlery on the table.
My older brother, Amin, who is 20, never wakes up unless my Mom or myself go upstairs to his bedroom. The same goes for my 6 year old brother Ibrahim.
"Come on, sleepy-heads! Wake up, breakfast's ready!" I yelled. Amin stood up at the sound of food, his hair tousled and eyes diluted with sleep. I giggled at the sight.
"Did you make pancakes?" Ibrahim asked as he also stood up from his unmade bed. "Yes," I smiled. "I know they're your favourites."
"Yay!!!" He screamed happily as he ran out of the room.
"Thanks, sis." Amin said as he planted a kiss on my hair. I smiled at them both and thought about how lucky I was to have such amazing brothers.
"Now, Hawa, there's going to be someone new in your school today," My father said in the car.
"Oh, yeah?" I asked, not really understanding why he was telling me this.
"His name is Aqib Usman. His father and I were in the same class at school, so we were what you'd call really good friends. I want you to guide him around when you see him."
"Sure, Papa." I replied absentmindedly as I stared out the window.
"So do you know him at least?" My best and only friend, Asiyah, asked. We were currently in the school hall, leaning against lockers and talking.
"Nope." I replied, shaking my head.
"It's okay, I'll stay with you,"She reassured. "You never know, he might turn out to be your future husband." She added, and winked.
"Hey!" I explained, and slapped her arm with my notebook playfully.
"Um... Excuse me, sisters. I'm looking for Hawa?" A male voice boomed behind us. We both turned around to find the source of the voice and came face to face with a tall guy.
"Asalamualaikum, that'd be me." I stepped forward, and nodded my head in greeting. No hand- shaking for me, thank you very much.
"Walaikum Salam, Hawa. I'm Aqib, pleasure to meet you."
Everyone looked at us while we walked with Aqib. I accidentally heard whispered conversations about how hot he was, and how he would be so much better off with them then with us.
"And what about you, Hawa?" Aqib asked, smiling.
"Um..." I mentally cursed myself for being in my own bubble. "I didn't catch what you said, can you repeat it please?"
"Asiyah's just told me she's half Spanish, and half Morrocan. I, myself, am half Italian, half Turkish. What about you?" He repeated.
"Oh, well I'm half French, half Algerian." I answered back, a wide smile on my face. The guy was freaking Italian?????
"That's a nice combination. You speak French?" He asked.
"Sure." I answered. "If you're lucky, you might even get to hear it."
"Oh trust me, you have to be very very very very special to hear it." Asiyah added, winking and wiggling her eyebrows. Trust her to do that!
I glared menacingly at her and made cutting gestures on my throat behind Aqib's back.
"Asiyah, can you answer the question, please?" My Math teacher, Mr Anderson, asked. He doesn't like me, for some unknown reasons. He probably thinks me and Asiyah are planning on burning the school.
I fiddled with my watch, unable to answer the question. I'm not that good at Maths.
"We don't have all day." The teacher complained and raised an eyebrow.
I looked left and there was Aqib, a few seats away from me. He was leaning on his desk abs whispering something. I squinted my eyes and frowned my eyebrows.
He was muttering in French.
"567.34 , sir." I answered.
"I'll let this incident go, Hawa. But one more and you'll have detentions for the rest if your school year, do you hear me." Mr Anderson threatened while a few students erupted in giggles.
I didn't see what was funny. Instead if saying that however, I lowered my head and nodded slightly.
The bell was the only thing friend I had right now.
Including Asiyah, of course.
And Aqib, I think???
"Is the teacher always like that with you?" Aqib asked as the bell rang. I nodded solemnly and glanced at the teacher. "Always..." I muttered.
"Oh, by the way, JazakAllahoukheir for saving me in class today." I thanked him. "I owe you one."
"I was always good at French, if I say so myself." He grinned, exposing pearly whites.
"Arrogant much?" I asked, smiling and raising my eyebrows.
"Not at all."

Thank you so much guys for reading the first chapter of "Forever Love". Please doubt forget to vote, comment, and even chuck me a follow??? It would mean a whole lot to me.
Sorry if the chapters short❤️.
P.S The picture on the side is what Hawa is wearing.
Ana Deena ;).

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