Chapter 2

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I was happily watching "The Mentalist" when I heard a light knock on my bedroom door. I paused the episode and called out, "Come in!"
"Asalamu Alaikoum my darling! I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have a favour to ask. Amin was called in to work because one of his co-workers was unable to come today. Amin was supposed to take Ibrahim to Yaqub, his friend's house. Could you please take him instead? I would myself but I'm so busy in the kitchen." My mom pleaded, looking at me with her lovely, beautiful eyes.
"Okay, Mama." I sighed as I stood up from my chair and stretched my arms.
"Oh, thank you! I knew I could always count on you!" She gushed and left the room. I smiled at her retreating figure and then walked to my closet. I was currently in a pair of sweatpants and a old sweater. No way could I go out like that, people would mistaken me for a beggar and give me money and food. I once again sighted at my clothes. I never had a good sense of fashion.
I grabbed a abaya with one of my favourite cardigans. It was pretty cute, if you ask me. I then proceeded to attach my hair in a ponytail and seized my jersey hijab. I didn't really care what I looked like, I had past what people thought about me. Let them talk, I thought. Deep inside, they know they love me.

"Ibrahim! Come on!" I shouted as ran down the stairs.
"Are you taking me to Yaqub's house?" Ibrahim asked while gazing at me hopefully. "Yes, my darling." I smiled at him, ruffling his hair.
"Habibti, while you're there, can you take this to Yaqub's mother, Amina, please." My mom handed me a plate and I carefully lifted the cloth and was engrossed in a delicious scent. "Yum... Couscous..."
I might just eat the dish all by myself and then not come back home until they forgive me.
Update: I didn't.
I frowned at the piece of paper my mom had given me before we left. The address written in my mom's French cursive writing did not ring a bell in my head. I didn't know this road.

After 47 minutes of walking, we were tired to the bone and dragging wearily our feet. I had finally found the house, and my poor brother was very exhausted.   
"I'm sorry, Ibrahim. I suck at Geography, and I am so not a walking GPS."
"It's okay. The important thing is that we're here."
I grinned at him and gave him a tight hug. "Thank you." I whispered.

I knocked on the black door, the dish now cold in my hands. A very pretty middle-aged women answered the door. "Asalamu Alaykoum! Can I help you with anything, sweetie?"
"Walaikum Salam! I'm here for my brother. He's here to play with Yaqoub. I believe they had a play date." I reply, a wide smile on my face.
"Oh, yes! Please come in! Yaqoub's ever so excited to see you, Ibrahim!" She gushed happily, opening the door wider for us to come in.
I stepped in and was met with a tall guy descending the staircase. "Who is it, madre?" (mom in Italian).
"Hawa?" He asked, clearly surprised.
"Um... Aqib?"
"So, Hawa, please tell me about yourself. The only thing I know is that your father and my husband used to be friends in school. And I also know that you helped my son on his first day of school. And I'm ever so grateful for that, so thank you." Amina said as we sat down in her newly refurbished living room. Amina was serving coffee and Aqib was sat next to her, his gaze on me as I prepared to answer.
"Well, um... I'm 17 years old. I'm planning on  going to University to study Languages and Literature. I love the colour grey, weirdly enough. I have an unhealthy obsession with The Mentalist and carrots." I awkwardly said, my cheeks flaming up due to the attention. I heard a low chuckle and looked up to find a amused Aqib.
"What's so funny?" I nervously giggle.
Amina looks at her son and smiles. "Nothing, my dear. You're just very cute."
"Uh....uh... Thank-thank you..." I stuttered like an idiot and earned yet another chuckle from Aqib. Great.
AlhamdouilAllah, Allah saved me out of this awkward situation by making my phone ring. I pick up and look at the caller ID.
"Hey, Mama." I said.
"Hello, Hawa. Just calling in to check on you. Are you still in Amina's house, my darling?" She asks.
"Oui, maman." (Yes, mom). I replied.
"Good! Amin is coming to pick you up, he should be here any minute now."
"Okay. Asalamu Alaykoum." I bid my farewell.
"Walakum Salam." I hear her soft voice reply and I end the call.
"My brother should be here any moment now inchA-"
I heard a knock and just hoped it wasn't Amin. I knew he would embarrass me. Ugh...
"Oh, oukhti! How are I miss you so much!" Amin walks in, his arms wide open. He envelops me in a tight hug, nearly squeezing the life out of me. After 2563178 years, he finally let's go and proceeds to pinching my cheeks. "Have you been naughty?" He asked, a frown on his face. His eyes, however, were filled with humor and amusement.
I looked at Auntie Amina for help, but she was gone. I look at Aqib and he looks back, his smile mocking. I glare at him and stick my tongue out.

Hello everyone!!!!!
Hope you're all doing good!
It's like, midnight and I'm writing this. I'm just an night owl.
Anywayyy, please don't forget to vote, comment, and even chuck me a follow????
Loads of love <3

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