Part 1 Double d's goodbye for summer

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Dounle d was one his way home but then he and his friends got cornered by some students from his school and then they got beaten upp ed and eddy fighted back but double d dident fight back because he wasent as strong as ed or eddy and hade no chanse to defend himself.

After the fight double d was wery hurt and was hopping that nothing more would go wrong but to his luck nothing more bad happened to him before he got home. He took of his shoes and but down his bag and then he saw his father and tried to hide that he was hurt but his father had already seen his marks over his body and said

[How did you get so hurt edd? asked double d's father]

[I just got builied father ]said edd with a wery quiet voice in hoppe that his mother woulent her him

[Edd you are going to have to learn to protect youself and that is why I'm sending you to military school this summer. I'm sending you there beacase I dont want to see you hurt and you dont want to see your mother worried and sad every day beacase you cant protect yourself right?!]

[Ok I will go to military school this summer]

[God boy]

that night double d was wery nervous beacase he didn't know how to tell Ed or Eddy that he wasent going to see them after tomorow.
After that he fell asleap and next morning he woke up 06 am in the morning he ate breakfast and put one his school cloths and packed his bag and said bye to his father and mother befor he was going to school.

One his way to school he didn't see Eddy or Ed so he was thinking to tell them that he was going to miliatary school under summer one the lunch break.

He got to his locker and putted his bag in his looker and took everything he neded to his class and was going to class just before the last bell rang in to leasson.

Today his teacher gave back the test results one the test he hade a week ago. he got his papper back and he hade the perfects score one his papper he was happy that he got a good score one his test.

In the cafeteria he satt with his friends and ate ther lunches and then double d told them that he hade to leave for the whole summer break. Eddy and Ed did not like it and asked if edd really hade to leave for the whole summer and double d said that he would write to them if he could.

Eddy and Ed said that they would miss him and Ed gave him a very strong hug and then he putted down double d.
After that double d didn't see Eddy or Ed for the whole summer break and when he got back double d had grown taller and he looked very different and he was stronger and was not the weak little boy how could not give a punch back. He was not scared of getting a little dirt on him and was much more like a bad boy now.

sorry for not doing it very long but I will do the next one longer

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