Part 3 His military friend

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Edd's Prov

I got up and got ready for school but today i know that something bad was going to happen but a didn't care much and got to school.

Time skip         (Sorry was lazy)

After my second class it was time for lunch and on my way to the cafeteria my telephone started to ring and i answered.

[Hello Double D speaking]

[Hey double D it is me Sandra stone,and i was wondering if you could help me white something]

[White what exactly?]

[Finding a person to sing in my band]

[Sandra i know where this is going and the answer is still No]

[Come on Double D, I only need you to sing white us one time]

[Only this time?]

[yes i promise]

[Fine but only because you are like my little sister]

[Thank you so much Double D and turn around]

[Why would i turn around.....!]


[What are you doing here Sandra?!]

[Stupid i go here to you know]

[Are somebody more that i know that go here?]

[Maybe, Hey do you want to sit white me in the cafeteria?!]

[Sure why not]

Sandra and me got to the cafeteria and we walked up to a table and i saw some familiar faces that smiled at me before hugging me.

I could not believe that they all was going to my school and i didn't know that,but it was not so surprising because Sandra could be like a angel or devil and could fit in everywhere so a could understand that but Simon, Vivi, Sakura, Ludwig, Ai and Elin they just stand out so much that i was feeling really stupid to not knowing that they where going to the same school as me. Vivi was very tall and he had black hair that covered his ice cold green eyes but he had dyed it so it would be black withe read peaks and he was always wearing a black pair of pants or a black t-shirt white a skull or something.He was not good to speak with people but he had the sweetest of hearts in the hole world.

Ludwig had short yellow hair and black eyes and wore a pair of grey sneakers and a white jacket, blue jeans and a black t-shirt. He smile much but he is not really happy often so he hide his feelings behind a smile that me, Sandra, Vivi, Sakura, Elin and Ai can see through very easy.He had been hurt so much so he closed his heart before he meet us and we are protecting his heart so it will never break again and he are doing the same thing for us.

Simon was one centimeter shorter than Sakura and he had a scar on his face that made him lock mean but he was very nice and his dark brown hair made his light blue eyes really stand out. He wore plain cloth's like a black jacket with a white shirt white a pair of gray pants.

Sakura was taller than Simon but not taller than me, Ai, Ludwig or Vivi. She had pink hair and grey eyes and had nonhuman strength but she was as nice as a little kitten if you did not make her angry. She wore black glows and a read skirt white gray short leggings and a black pair of combat bots she had a black long sleeved t-shirt white pink claws mark on it.

Ai was the tales girl of Sandra, Elin and Sakura. She had blond short hair to her shoulders she had dark blue eyes and wore a dark purple ripper up t-shirt with a black leather top to hole up the dark purple ripped t-shirt and a long-sleeve skirt with pair of short shorts that matched the skirt and long translucent messy pair of knee socks and her shoes was a pair of black high heels. She was a great singer but had a bad temper sometimes and was not the one to back out of a fight.

The new double DDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora