Part 2 Double d reaturns

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It was the first day of school after the summer break and double d was on his way to school. When he had put his things in his locker he was going to class and one his way to class he was stopped by Nazz.

[Hey are you new here?]

[No, I'm not new it is me double d]

[Wow I cant believe that it is you double d]

[Why not nazz?]

[Well you are much taller and you don't look like a nerd anymore you look like a bad boy]

[I don't think I have change very much except that a have grown taller]

[Well see you later double d]

After nazz said that she walked away and then he continued to go to his class. He just had taken his seat before the bell rang and the teacher come in to start the class.

After two classes it is time to eat lunch and he was going to his usual table and there he found his two best friends he sat down and asked what they had done in the summer and ed and eddy asked who he was and double d said it is me double d. Eddy started laughing and said that he could not be double d because double d did not look like a bad boy or was as tall as he was.

Double d asked Eddy that if he was not double d then who was he then. Eddy stooped laughing and said are you really double d?. Double d said yes and they all talked about there summer and how they all missed to hang out all three together. lunch ended and they all agreed to hang out after school today. After the last class double d was going to his locker but nazz called out to him so he turned around to see what she wanted.

[Hey double d]

[hey nazz what do you want?]

[well a was wondering if you wanted to com to my party now tomorrow night]

[Sure why not, but why are you inviting me?]

[Well you look like the type of guy how like to party so why not?!]

[Ok, see you tomorrow night then]

After that he continued to go to his locker to get his bag. When he had his bag he began to go to his two friends. Double d asked what Eddy or Ed wanted to do and they all said that they wanted to watch a movie at Eddy's place. After three hours of watching the house of horrors double d said that he needed to go home so they said bye to double d.

When double d got home he did his homework and took a shower after that he got ready to bed and he did not fell asleep very fast because when he was at miliatary school the first boy or girl how fell asleep first got a god first dip in the lake. After a while he finally fell asleep.

The next day he packed his things and got to school early like usually. When he got to school he put the stuff he didn't need in his locker and headed to the classroom. A while later the other students came in and to his bad luck Kevin's seat was right behind him. When class started somebody taped on Double d's shoulder and Double d locked back and to his surprise it was Kevin.

[Hey, can you borrow you notes real quick?]

[Here Kevin]

[Thanks man]

[no problem Kevin]

After he wrote off double d's paper double d got it back and the class was just as it usually was after that. After his second class it was lunch and he was going to the cafeteria before five guys of the football team had stopped him.

Double d didn't know them and he asked what they wanted and they said that they just wanted to let the new kid know where he belonged and they all started to get closer to double d and tried to hit him but he caught every punch and kick that they tried to land on him.After five minutes Double d asked if they where done and they said yes because they all knew that they could not hurt him so they gave up and left.

Double D hurried to the cafeteria and sat down with his friends before the bell rang and they had to go to class.

After school he had to do his homework and took a shower and got dressed to go to nazz party. He wore a read t-shirt, a black jacked a pare of black shoes and black pants he also wearied his black hat of course. It took him five minutes to get to Nazz's house.

He knocked one the door and Nazz opened the door white a big smile one her face.

[Hey, Double D glad you could make it]

[Glad to be invited]

Double D's Prov

He got inside and inside were the party already one and everybody had a god time. About fifteen minutes somebody very familiar called out to Double D and it was Eddy. Hey sockhead he called out to me while he walked to me. Come on Double D lets play truth or dare with everybody else said Eddy and of course I said yes.

Me and Eddy Sat down and then the game began. Truth or dare Kevin said Nazz.

[Dare am not a chicken]

[I dare you to run five laps around the house white a chair on you back]

[Too easy]

He began to run and was soon done and when he was done he said truth or dare Sarah.


[I dare you to hug your brother Ed and tell him you love him]


Sarah hugged her big brother and said she loved him Ed got really happy and Sarah sat down again and said truth or dare to Eddy.


[are you in love with someone? and if you are with who?]

[No, I'm not in love with someone!]

It was Eddy's turn to ask someone and I just know that he was going to pick me.

[Double D truth or dare?]


[I dare you to sing same old war]

[Do I really have to?]

[Yes, Double D you are not ruining away this time!]

I sighed and started to sing same old war and when i was done everybody was locking at me shocked.

After that I asked johnny truth or dare.

[truth Double D]

[Do you always have plank with you?]

[No, I don't]

[Truth or dare Ed]


[I dare you to hug nazz]

[Ok Johnny]

Ed walk to nazz and asked if he could hug her and she said yes.

[Jimmy truth or dare?]


[Do you believe in aliens?]

[No,not really Ed]


Jimmy locked around and locked at Double D

[Truth or dare Double D?]


[When did you learn to sing like that? and how come you never have singed before?]

I sighed

[To tell you the truth I could always sing like that but i didn't like to sing before people and that is why]

[Oh so that is why]

we continued to play and some time later I walked home because it got really late and I had still some stuff to unpack at home.

Hey guys thanks for reading and this is my first time doing this so please if you have any ideas about what i could change or do please tell me and i will try my best to make it so god as a can make it.

From: sky575

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