Chapter Thirteen

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I followed Hero into the burning building and my friends ran after me.

"Alfred!" I called, coughing on smoke. "Where are you?! Ah!" I tripped over something and face planted on the ground. I was startled when the figure started to groan.

"Ludwig!" I heard Feliciano exclaim, bending down to see him better. "Get off of him, Roddy!"

"Sorry." I said, getting up. I looked down and saw that, sure enough, I had tripped over Ludwig.

"Luddy," Feliciano said, his voice filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

"Feli?" He asked, reaching out a shaking hand to his love. "Is that you?"

"Si." Feliciano replied, holding his hand for dear life. "I'm here now. Can you walk?"

"Ja." Ludwig responded, picking himself off the ground. "I just collapsed from smoke. A few of the others did as well. At least, Gilbert did."

"Ok," Feliciano said, putting his arm around Ludwig's waist. Turned and started walking out of the building before looking back at us. "I'm gonna get him out of here. You guys keep searching." And, with that, he left us there.

"Come on!" I heard Mathew call as he ran deeper into the building to find Gilbert.

We all ran after him.

It didn't take long for us to find Gil. Mathew slung him over his shoulder and carried him outside. I had to admit, he was a lot stronger than I had first thought him to be.

"Last I saw," Gilbert informed us with a cough. "Tino was on the second floor."

That was all Berwald needed to hear. In a flash he was running up the stairs, leaving me and Francis in the dust.

We followed suit and found him at the top of the stairs, Kneeling down and preforming CPR on Tino's unmoving body. I noticed he had tears falling from his eyes.

"Come on." He said angrily as he pressed on Tino's chest. "Come on! Wake up, Dammit!" He eventually gave up and held Tino's body to his chest as his tears flowed harder. "Why? Dammit! Why did God take you from me?!"

"Come on, Ber." I said. "We have to look for the others."

"You guys go," He choked out. "I'm staying here with him."

"Berwald, he's gone." I told him, hoping to provide comfort. "There's nothing you can-"

"You think I don't know that, Rod?!" He snapped, giving me a glare. "I know he's gone! I know nothing can bring him back! But, I'm not gonna abandon him!"

"Why?" I asked, trying to keep calm. It wasn't because I was getting mad at him, it was more because he scared me when he gave me a look that said "Say that again and you die". "Why would you stay with him and risk being burned to death or suffocation?"

"Because I love him, dammit!" He exclaimed, turning his face back to Tino. "I'd rather die here with him than live the rest of my life without him. I want to be with him forever." He buried his face in Tino's chest and cried harder than I had ever seen him cry before. But then, he really didn't show emotion most of the time.

"Teddy Bear?" A faint voice asked.

Berwald recognized it and snapped his head up, finding Tino giving him a faint smile.

"Tino!" He exclaimed, embracing him fondly, not wishing to let go.

"What you said was beautiful." Tino said weakly. "Did you really mean it? That you'd rather die with me than live without me?"

"Of course." Berwald choked out as he cried with joy. "You're my wife. I love you so much. Life without you by my side isn't worth living."

"Oh, Berwald, My Precious Husband," Tino said through his own tears of happiness. "I love you too. If I could, I swear I would marry you right here and now."

"Really?" Ber asked, excited. "So, then, you mean?"

"Berwald, will you have me as your wife?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"Are you kidding?" Berwald exclaimed. "Of course!" The two of them embraced again.

"Thank you, Teddy Bear." Tino said before breaking out into a coughing fit.

"You'd better get him out of here." I told Berwald.

He nodded and picked up Tino bridle style, carrying him out of the building as fast and gently as he could.

Francis and I watched them leave.

Not long after, we both heard Hero barking from the top of the stairs on the highest floor.

I motioned for Francis to follow me and we ran up the stairs as fast as we could. When we got to the landing, we found Hero desperately pawing at the door that led to the last floor.

Francis and I looked at each other and nodded. We backed up to the wall and ran full speed at the door. Thanks to our combined strength and mass, as well as the fact that the door was old, wooden, and scorched on one side, we managed to break it down in one go.

"Alfred?" I called, running around and looking for him. I started coughing and I knew I had to find him and get out of there fast!

I heard Hero barking from a little ways down the hall. I ran towards the sound and was frightened by the sight before me.

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