-Part One-

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                                                                           .A Muggle at Hogwarts.



Copyright, all rights reserved 2017 by Rosemarie >PenName<

Harry Potter & all related characters and elements belong to JK. Rowling.


I walked into the library. Mrs. Latta smiled at me. I often came to the library after school, usually just to read work on a project. But today I had a certain book weighing down in my bag. I glanced at the librarian and nodded to her politely before walking straight to the back. There was a little place in the back left corner of the library. Book shelves made up three walls, each towering to the ceiling. In the corner was a little white table and chair with a computer in the corner. This was the usual place for kids who were ditching or anyone who wanted 'private time' if you know what I mean. I hung my bag over the chair and took out a few books. The titles were odd, they clearly didn't belong in the library so that's why I took them. I picked up the first book:

The Ministry of Magic: Outlawed Items and Artifacts.

At a glance the book looked like any other, but you had to take it out, and look closely to notice small details that told you it was different. For example, there is no author listed, and on the inside everything was handwritten, not typed up. There was no table of contents, so I just flipped open to a random page and started to read.

-small hour glass. When used correctly this amazing object can take you back to anytime in the past you wish. It was outlawed when wizards and witches started accidentally changing the future. Some theorists say that because of the time turner Harry Po-

"Hey Briar we have to go." I heard a voice behind me and slammed the book shut. I turned quickly and saw Ethan. He lived just around the corner from me and we'd walk home together. There were rumors around the school that he liked me, but it was obvious he didn't. He was more like an annoying little brother, despite the fact he was a year older than me. He didn't question when I didn't want him to see what I was reading. He just shrugged and said, "Are you coming?"

"No I'm trying to work on this if you can't tell." I said resuming toward my book.

"Alright just leave b-"

"I know leave before four because that's when the janitor comes and cleans out the library." I'd heard his speech whenever I stayed after school. He was so aggravating sometimes. Like he thought I needed his help to survive.

"Mk." He said, grabbing hold of the backpack straps on his shoulders and turning out of the library. I brushed a piece of my hair out of my face and opened the book back up to page 394.

-Some say that because of the time turner Harry Potter survived the attack from You-Know-Who, but there is no real proof. I turned the page, trying to ignore the questions running through my brain. An image flashed on the paper. It was an hourglass, but there were several brass ring that seemed to encircling it... No... The picture was moving? My mouth opened in awe as the rings moved in circles on the paper. I can't remember much after that. I can remember touching the page and a blast of light. And that loud crashing of books falling to the ground. After that everything was black.  

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