-Part Three-

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Tuesday came, I was so nervous, my bags were by the door and I was sitting at the table, re-reading my letter.

Miss Briar Haven,

We would like to invite you to Hogwarts. A school unlike the one you currently attend. One of our professors will arrive at your address Tuesday, no later than six o'clock. Your tuition is free, and books and supplies will be payed for. Please do be sure you bring any objects you feel are important, as Hogwarts is a special place.

Deputy Headmistress,

Minerva McGonagall.

It was a short letter, but it got to the point. My mom had always been pretty cool about things, so it didn't take much convincing to let me go. My dad however, took some convincing. But my mom handled it well. We'd all said goodbye the day before, my family had to leave earlier that morning for my little sister's softball tournament out of town. So now I was sitting on the porch of my house. It was starting to get lighter and it was extremely cold. I waited, I stared at a bug crawling along the sidewalk and I didn't hear when someone walked up to me.

"Hey." He said.

I jumped to my feet, but sighed in relief, before I became a little ticked. "What the heck, why do you keep scaring me."

"You're easy to scare I guess." Ethan said smiling. I rolled my eyes. "So what are you doing out here? Usually I have to call through your window because you aren't ready to leave." He laughed.

"I'm not going to school. Well I am... A new school." I motioned toward my luggage.

"A private school? Why are you leaving?" He said stuffing his hands in his sweatshirt pocket.

"Free scholarship." I muttered. "And my mom thinks it'll be good for me, to have a new start I guess." I lied.

"So I won't see you again..."

"Summer time." I said setting down the bag I was holding. It was clear the person supposed to be picking me up wasn't coming any time soon.

*Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry* *Draco Malfoy POV*

I stumbled to the Room of Requirements. Inside I made my way through the maze of old things the school kept in storage. At the end of the room I pulled a clean, white sheet off of the tall, black cabinet.

Come on... I can do this.

I took an apple out of my pocket and set it down carefully into the chamber. I looked at it one last time before closing the door gently and locking it shut. I pressed my wand to the door and muttered the spell I'd been taught to use. I waited... A few minutes had passed and nothing happened. I opened the door to see a letter, replacing the apple. I ripped open the letter. That haunting curved handwriting appeared.


You are having troubles with the cabinet. If you continue to fail then you will not carry out these order and you and your family will be put to death. I also must inform you that a new student will be coming to Hogwarts. They have access to a time turner . If you can figure out how long it can go back, and get it to me for my own uses your failure with the cabinet will be forgiven. Don't dissapoint everyone.

There was no name at the end but I knew who it was from. I slammed my fists on the cabinet in anger.

A time turner? A fricking time turner? I thought turning from the cabinet and storming out of the room. 

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