-Part Two-

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Well, it wasn't really a room more like I was encased by a wall of curtains. I suspected I was in a hospital. On a chair next to me was my mom, when I sat up she practically jumped out of her chair.

I spent another day in the hospital, I guess I had a minor concussion It was explained to me that a bookcase fell on me, and the janitor alerted the principal, who alerted my mother, who alerted the hospital, but I couldn't remember. I came home Saturday and went straight to my room. Although I love them, I didn't feel like dealing with the pestering questions of my younger sister, or the jokes about how clumsy I am from my older brother. Which are stupid because i'm not at all clumsy. My backpack was on my bed when I got in my room. I went over as fast as I could and tore into it. The books I'd taken were gone. Did someone take them? The janitor perhaps? I dug around and found everything else hadn't been touched. My hands brushed over something cold. I opened the bag and peered inside. There was a small circular brass object shining in the light.

My Dad called for dinner and we all came down stairs to eat, I just ate my food and made small comments, adding to the conversation which had somehow drifted to mailboxes for some reason.

"Which reminds me, Briar." My mom said handing me a letter from the counter behind her. "This came in yesterday."

The letter was unusual. It had my name and address in fancy curved ink, and on the front strange red seal closed the envelope shut. I opened it carefully. My eyes widened as I read as fast as I could.

"Mom..." I mutter. "I'm leaving Tuesday."

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