-Part Four-

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*Croydon, England Briar's House.* *Briar POV*

A small blue car appeared in the driveway, I didn't notice it until a woman walked up to me. I was told in a letter that a professor would come to pick me up and take me to the school but this woman didn't look like a teacher at all. More like a mage or a witch. She wore a long emerald cloak, and her greying hair was in a tight bun.

I set my bags onto the ground and shook her warm hand.

"Professor Mcgonagall." She says smiling at me. I already knew by just looking at her she wasn't someone to mess with.

"I'm Briar Haven, nice to meet you professor." I said shyly. "Where can I put these?"

"Oh no need," She says. Out of her robes she pulled out a long stick with a brown, bubbled handle and a long black neck. She waved it and her bags disappeared. I look back up at her in awe. Is that a, wand? I think remembering what I'd read in a book.

"Your bags are safely at Hogwarts."

Ethan stood still on my porch steps, a stunned look on his face. I smiled nervously to him and waved as the professor opened the car door for me.

The ride was awkward. I looked over to the professor who was concentrating on the road I stared out the window wishing for something to do. I noticed the speed dial, and the trees rushing past us.

"everything alright?"

"Oh yeah," I say sarcastically, "It's only that you're going one hundred and ten miles per hour."

"Don't worry dear," She laughs. "It's perfectly safe." She looks behind her and look to, curious as to what she's looking at. Nothing was different so I looked back forward. But we weren't driving through a small city any more. we were in a field. In front of us, a huge castle...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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