What lurks in the darkness...

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darkness.everywhere i looked there was darkness.it crept out from every foreshadowing corner,consuming you into the depths of hell.no escape,i was stuck in this cold-hearted house for the rest of my life...."NO!"i screamed.i will find my way out even if it kills me.

demons pirouette in the dark as i walk through the cold house,ghouls chanting a death mantra to the innocent whispers that could be heard in the walls....chanting:




i ran faste,willing my lungs not to burst from the unanted exercise,my hearted pounded in my ears,my legs screamed at me to stop running but i couldn't,i wouldn't.suddenly,i got a burst of adrenaline,i found a hidden receptacle of power,my lst chance to get back to them...

urging them faster,i ran as fast as my legs would take me out of that hell-bound house,running for my life.in the distance i could hear a scream,a howl of a wolves pack...i attempted to run fasterbut i tripped on a log falling to the ground with a thud."we've got you now girl!"IT said.feelingthe need to run,i picked up my body (which seemed to weigh 4 tonnes) and dragged my feet through the for sodden mud.CLOSER.WITH EVERY SECOND THEY GOT CLOSER.NO ESCAPE."what do you want!"i shouted.NO ANSWER."answerr me!"i cried out.STILL NO ANSWER and with that i saw darkness...

i awoke to darkness.instead of my simple jeans and shirt,i saw a chequered doll dress and i had my hair in curley pig-tails.WHY?i thought WHY DO I LOOK WITH THIS?whatever had happened i needed to leave "you survived.you dont come out the other side of something like this weaker.what is there left to be scared of?" IT said.

"why me!" i asked"why me?!".no answer.i took a quick intake of breath when IT answered me."well just look at you.you're stronger,faster,ingenious than you let on.i have to admit its quite thought-provoking." i was cast into complete and utter silence for what felt like an eternity but was oly a few mere seconds whie IT carelessly strode away saying "congradulations,you are still alive.Most people are so ungrateful to be alive.but not you.not anymore......"

"RUN..........RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN" whispered a figure frolicking in the ever-lasting darkness."RUN!!!!!" it screamed at me.in less than a minute i was up and charging at mouldy,damp doors and stained,cross-cracked windows using the rest of my energy to get out of this cursed hell.

running.gasping and running.freedom.i was finally free.i could finally get back to them.almost there,almost to the only people that love me.my family.....

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