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An everlasting fog stretched as far as the eye could see,the isolation was deafening.Burnt bark and emerald moss littered the facultative forest floor,peasants serving their malevolent masters who protected them from. It's until they fell upon their burial grounds.Twigs cracked underneath the weight of my Doc Martin boots as I trekked piteously through the venom green vegetation of hell.I had no knowledge of where I was or even who I was,all of that seemed to disappear in my only memory;the accident.

All I could remember was anger burning from deep within my core ,blood curdling screams as we careered off of the chocolate brown track into a once luscious kingdom of a tree.Before I could react ,my frontal lobe slammed into the steering wheel as I succumbed to the peaceful abyss of sleep...

When I awoke,crimson red streaks and scarlet blood oozes and dropped from cracks in the glass where an otherworldly beast clawed it's meal like a predator would to its prey.

Eerie silence taunted me,just waiting for me to scream as I drifted on the brink of sanity.

The trails of the forest beckoned me.

Beckoned me to take the journey of the damned.

Never to return....

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