The White Wall

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Pure,innocent and vast. And as white as the winter snow, a wall as far as the eye could see, only broken by a shining, ethereal, golden gate as access to those whom have lived caring,selfless, disciplined lives; and yet, here i was. A fly among heavenly titans, a sinner among saints. Why? my whole event-less life i've done nothing but lie and cheat, steal and hurt. Why out of all places, would i end up here? A malevolent pigeon among benevolent doves. I dont belong in this crystal kingdom of kindness and love. I knew it and everything here knew it, but there was no turning back now. I must enter, join the 7 heavenly virtues with god, instead of the 7 deadly sins withing the underworld. No creaking sound was emitted as St.Peters gate opened to allow entrance. Wasn't there a test or something of that nature? The everlasting silence was deafening. No one could prepare me for the spectacle before me...

Why was Satan in heaven?

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