Chapter 1

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Every year, I go to the hospital, for my yearly checkup. They run various tests on me to make sure that I'm healthy. Usually they find nothing wrong with me, but today, they have been running extra tests on me. “Mummy, why are they running extra tests on me” I asked. She didn't answer, but instead started a rather heated conversation with the doctor.

“She needs to know ma'am” the doctor whispered. I slowly walked towards them, hearing every word they said. “What do I need to know?” I asked, the doctor sighed and answered, “you may want to to sit down for the news I'm about to tell you” I sat down and continued to listen “ you are the unlucky victim of the rare disease called Porphyria”

I looked forward in shock for a moment before trying to stand. I started to become dizzy, my legs began to give way as I collapsed. Darkness took over my mind and I blacked out.

A few hours later

I woke up only to find that I was in my dormitory. Lukas, my boyfriend next to my bed with his head in my lap.

I could see the dried up tears on his face, the tears had left faint tracks all down his face, he must have found out, that's the only valid reason, I could find for Lukas’s tears.

Even though I had a long peaceful sleep, I still felt tired. Trying to keep my eyes open I decided to grab my phone, my phone was on the bedside table, and I had a chance of getting it without waking Lukas up. I reached my arm across and over to the bedside table, but my luck fell short when I accidentally kicked the bar at the end of my bed,  my mouth emitting a short scream.

“What happened baby” Lukas whisper yelled as he jumped about 10 feet in the air. “Nothing, just hurt myself is all” I whispered back. I felt Lukas’s body loosen up. He no longer felt tensed.

“Hey babe, I've been thinking about us. I love you and I promise you will live a long life. You have always been there for me and you are ultimately the most perfect and important person in my life. I will always look after you and will find a cure. Will you do me the honour and marry me? Lukas asked getting on one knee and pulling out a small black and white box. The box was black with a white ribbon. He opened up the box revealing a 18 carat diamond ring with beautifully placed and crafted blue sapphires. The ring was beautiful. “OH MY GOODNESS! “  I screamed. I couldn't believe that he would propose, never in a million years. “YES! YES! A MILLION NO A BILLION TIMES YES!” i screeched throwing myself forward and into his warm embrace.

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