Chapter 2

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A month later

We stood at the altar saying our wedding vows. At least we were until my legs felt weak and gave way beneath me. My head hit the floor and the pit of darkness unwillingly seeped into my brain and took over my body…

When I woke, I was in a hospital room with my mum beside my bed. She saw me awake and immediately enveloped me in a big hug. “Baby, your survival rate has gone down and it is said by the doctor that you only have a month or two to live. “ my boyfriend whispered as he entered the room.

“I'll live though, right. You can find the cure can't you baby” I whispered. I tried hard not to let the tears that sat on the tearduct of my eyes, drop. That would make me weak, and I refuse to let anyone see me cry.

“I don't think you will live baby girl" Lukas whispered. I stared at him in horror and shock. He stood up and slowly but surely walked away.

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