Can You Hear Me?!! (A One Direction Fanfiction)

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Annabelle's POV

Today was a great day! Katherine(Kat) and I spent the whole day at the beach with our boyfriends and the rest of one direction. I was having so much fun and was dissapointed when we had to leave.

We gathered our things up and walked back to the beach house we were staying in for the summer. I love Australia this time of year! I bolted into the kitchen as soon as we got in and started to chow down. I look beside me and see my Prince Charming(aka Niall) also chowing down. Oh how we were made for each other!

I was in the mood for Oreo's, so I went over to the pantry and looked for them. Of course, we were out. "Hey who wants to go with me to the grocery store to get more Oreo's?!?" I asked everyone.

"ME!" Kat exclaimed, "We need a little girl time."

"Ok!" I replied. I kissed Niall goodbye and headed out the door. Little did I know, that was the last real kiss we would share in a while.

Kat and I arrived at the store shortly after and I literally ran towards the snack isle. I swear I'm Ursian Bolt in disguise. I saw that there was only one package of Oreo's left, so I grabbed them before anyone else could. Victory!

"Hey! I wanted those you fat witch!" I hear. I turn around and see a boy who looked about 13 staring at me.

"Oh yeah?!? What are you gonna do about it little boy?!?" I asked while smirking. He returned that smirk and pulled out a toy gun. What's that gonna do? He pointed it at me and at that moment Kat walked up to me. He pulled the trigger and we were engulfed in light. I then blacked out and when I awoke, I couldn't believe what I saw.

Hey guys! Me and @onedirectionrules24 teamed up to make this account! Hope you like this story we are writing right now!

p.s Anna is pronounced Ah-na like in Frozen:)

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