chapter 6

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"I have the perfect idea for our first game!" Oliver exclaimed. "It's Hide and Seek, with a twist, you hide and I seek, but if I find you, you will be punished. I'll give you a minute to hide.. Ready, Set Go!" 

His booming voice made our ears hurt...badly, but we soon recovered we looked at each other and split in opposite direction. I ran towards his dresser and ran under it, I have no clue where Anna ran to but i hope she is safe

"60!" Oliver yelled making me wince in pain. He started by looking with a flashlight under his bed, then he looked under his side table, then he walked over to his dresser and bent down on his knees and looked under the dresser and turned the flashlight on, blinding me. The next thing i know is i was ripped out from under the dresser and blinded by the sun, but once my eye's adjusted to the light i saw Oliver's huge beautiful and yet ugly face in front off me. He was smirking at me, I was found, yap! I'm dead

"Found ya! and I said you would be punished, now for the fun part, figuring out what the punishment will be..." he said thinking a minute, suddenly his face lit up

"oh i know the punishment!" He said walking out of the room walking down the hall of his apartment and into the kitchen. He opened up the pantry and grabbed a jar, he set it on the kitchen table and dropped me in. He walked over to the table and grabbed a chair and set it in the middle of the room. He took the jar and tipped it causing me to fall into his open hand. He set me on the chair and looked down at me smirking, just when he was about to do what i think he was gonna do...

Thud, Thud , Thud!!!

"ugh! i was gonna enjoy that!" he said snatching me up and shoving me in his back pocket, I felt him walking and heard a door unlock

"Give us the girls!!!" Niall !!! They came to save us, I felt Oliver stumble backwards a little bit, I think one of the boys shoved him

"I don't think that was a good idea Louis!" I heard Oliver say, I could feel the smirk on his lips

"What are you gonna do to us? huh?!" I think Louis said and i can just imagine him attempting to get all up in his face

"Oh i'm not gonna hurt you!" he said, his hand then came into his back pocket and he ripped me out and held me in front of Louis' and Niall's stunned faces. Lou reached for me but Oliver ripped his hand back, making me queasy

"Your going to whiteness as i torture your little friend" Oliver said smirking. he walked toward the kitchen table and grabbed the jar, dropping me in. He grabbed a lid, screwed it on and smirked at me...uh oh...Suddenly i am being shook violently, smacking my head on the glass. When he stopped I brought my hand up to my head and feel something wet, when i take my hand away i see i have blood on it. He opened the lid and took me out holding me in his fist

"Now unless you want me to kill her, leave" Oliver said, Louis and Niall looked at me with pleading eye'e

"Fine we will go, but know this, we will be back for them, you better count on that" Niall said turning towards the door with Louis following behind and they walked out closing the door behind them

"Now for a little fun!" He said, he set me back on the chair and pulled up 2 more chairs and pushed them all together forming a sort of couch. He had me on the middle one. He went to the end of the chair\couch and got on his knees and bent over me with his stomach right over me...crud

"Lie down and if you try to move, i'll still end up on top of you and it would probably be worse, I am going to lie on you for 10 minutes and if you pass out, you'll get a worse punishment" He said smirking at me deviously

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