Don't Take Me There!

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A funeral took place later the next morning.

Everyone was in black clothing. Few people were in tears as they listened to the priest.

Some were setting flowers in front and beside the tombstone.

I was also in tears, hugging Dad as we listened along.

"Friends, family, we are gathered here today to say that Sarah [Blank] has passed away on October twelfth at nine forty-three in the morning. Sarah was a bright person, and she would always find a way to make anyone smile. If there are any words that anyone would like to say, speak now."

"Uhm, excuse me sir? May I say a few things," I said.

"Of course you can dear," the priest replied.

He moved out from the podium as I stood in front of it and looked at everyone.

Trying not to shed any tears, I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"My mom... She really loved me... She was a very good person, to me. But now that she's not here anymore..."

I wanted to cry and be in tears, but I couldn't, I have to stay strong.

"I personally don't know if I can move on with my life... I don't think that people deserve this, with having their loved ones die while they're young. It's a horrible thing to experience, especially when you are still young and you have no other choice but to watch them fade away from your life, it's going to be hard to go through. But I should be happy that I still have two important people who watch, love and care for me."

I looked over at the tombstone, I had the strong temptation to just hug it...

But I only got down from the podium and went back over to Dad and Anti.

Few more people went up to the podium and spoke their words.

I don't know what to feel or how to feel it, but it made my body feel numb.

Then, anger rushed in and it was playing with my mind.

"No! This can't be happening! Stop it," I yelled at the tombstone.

I ran towards it and just continued to yell at it.

Dad and Anti ran towards me and tried to pull me away from it.

"Let go! I know that she's still alive," I roared while trying to get free.

"Lucy! You have to calm down," Dad said.

"No! She's alive! I know it!"

"Lucy! You need to listen to Dark," Anti said.

"No! I don't believe she's dead!"

"Sweetie, as much as it hurts for us to say it. But she's not coming back."

"I wanna run from here! I can't live in this world without my mother!"

"We should probably leave."


Get out of here.

Leave this place as fast as you can.

I stopped struggling to get free. I stood myself up again, looked over behind me and made a run for it.

I ran as fast as I could.

"Lucy! Come back," I could hear Dad scream.

"No! Leave me alone," I said while still running.

I hugged myself as I cried and ran from the bad.

I found a big tree to climb up. I jumped up super high and settled myself on a big branch of the tree.

Then I ripped off my black clothing and accessories until I had nothing on. I hugged myself as I curled up into a human ball. I felt something sharp on my back, that's when I realized that I was growing claws just like Dad's.

It started to rain, because of me crying. In fact, it was raining so hard, the big raindrops felt like paintballs against my skin.

"Lucy," Dad said, "Please come down! It's not safe out here!"

"No! I don't want to go back to the bad place," I screamed.

"Please Lucy," Anti begged, "You're the only thing we have left! We don't want to lose you!"

"I don't want to back to the bad place! Don't bring me back to the bad place! Please don't make me go back to the bad place! I'm scared of the bad place!"

"O-Okay Lucy, we won't bring you back to the bad place. Will you at least come back down to us?"

"Are you sure that we're not going to the bad place?"

"Yes Lucy, we promise. Please come down to us."

I moved the hair that was covering my red eye and looked in Daddy's eyes.

I slowly began to come out of my human ball, still looking in his eyes, and slowly climb down the tree like an animal.

I stood up on my feet again, cried and hugged myself.

"I'm sorry, Daddy... I couldn't control myself..."

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"It's okay, sweetie. You were scared of seeing your mother like that. Death is something that can mentally hurt someone, but you don't have to feel alone."

He lifted my head up and wiped away my tears.

"You still have me and Antisepticeye to take care of you and love you."

I saw Anti come to us and hugged me as well.

"You don't have to feel sad all by yourself, we will miss her too."

Troubles, Tragedies and Demons {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now