Last Dance

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"What just happened?" Phil asked.

"You were po-"

I elbowed Owen in the stomach before he could finish what he was saying.

"You basically fell asleep," I finished.

"Oh, alright."

"We should go to lunch and hear what the principal has to say who the student body president is."

I packed up the board, planchette and candles into my bag and we all went to lunch.

Owen and Phil went into the lunch line while I looked for a table to sit.

Then a few girls came and sat down at the table I was about to sit in.

"Get lost wizard girl," one of them said.

"I'm not a wizard," I said, "I'm just a normal everyday girl who goes to school so she can get a life and not be giving out... Gross jobs to the captain of the football team just to get money."

"That's not true."

"Then how would you explain this?"

I opened my phone, pulled up the video and sent it to one of the girls.

"What's this?"

"Just look at it."

The same girl checked her phone and watched the video.


"I was going to show this to the entire school..."

"Then I guess you wanna die."

"How bout you have a drink first?"

I pulled out a glass bottle with some orange liquid in it and handed it to her.

"What's this stuff?"

"Have a sip of it and you'll find out."

She opened the bottle, looked at it but then took a sip.

"What is this stuff anyway? It looks like orange soda."

"Oh nothing, just a small temporary spell."

Just then, the girl started to twitch and freak out as Owen and Phil came and sat down. The girl started to hyperventilate and go into a panic attack.


(devil emoji)

"Bye bye Britney."

I just left her alone and walked down the middle space between all the cafeteria tables.

Everyone was looking over at her, wondering what was going on.

That thing I gave her to drink, it can cause a person to hallucinate lava.

I flew up to the extra space that was above the cafeteria doors, sat down with my legs crossed and pulled out a big jar of peanut butter.

"Peanut butter, I love it."

I pulled out a spoon and slowly ate a spoonful of delicious peanut butter.

"No one should be able to find me up here. I might as well stay here the rest of the day until I have to go home. I'll go with my friends to the school dance, just so they don't feel alone and that I don't feel alone."

I laid on my back, one of my legs dangling from the edge and ate another big spoonful of peanut butter.

"Mmm, delicious."

I kept on debating whether I still should go or not. I hate going to these kinds of things, just a lot of noise and people.

But yet I have to stay after school to help prepare the dance tonight.


I laid on my bed, listened to some music and played some games on my phone.

"Five hours..."

I can't do this, I can't go to the dance.

Yes you can, you have to.

What if I die?

That doesn't matter, you need to be there. Dad said that He's going to start with the school and work on from there.

I don't wanna die! What part of that do you not understand?!

I understand all of it, you need to not worry about it.

I've died before, dumb brain.

All I'm saying is that you should have fun tonight before you fight.

I don't want to have fun, I need to focus on how I'm going to defeat them.

You worry too much.

Fuck you brain, I'm going to take a nap.

(two hours later)

"Three hours..."

Fuck this, you're going to that dumb dance and you're going to enjoy it.

I got off my bed, put on a dress that Mom's friend made for me and my black tennis shoes. I put the upside down heart locket on as well and some black bracelets.

"Should we come with you?" Tiny box Tim asked.

"No thank you." I said, while trying to put some black makeup on.

"Are you crazy?!"

"No, I have to go alone."

"You can't!"

"I need to, Tiny box Tim. It's the only way."

Then I left the house, without telling Anti, went to the school and into the gym.

"Hey guys," I said. "How do I look?"

"Whoa! Lucy, I didn't even see you come in," Owen said.

"You look amazing." Phil said.

"Hey guys."

Felicia came to us and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Phil asked.

"Just wanted to see what was up." she said.

"It's okay guys, she's my friend now."


"Besides, I broke up with Josiah."

That's when I saw a piece of paper on one of the gym walls of a WANTED poster and a blurry picture below it.

Who put that up there? Could Josiah done it?

"What's up with that wanted poster?" I asked.

"I should've told you this sooner than later," Felicia mumbled. "Someone must've overheard our conversation when we were out having that giant bonfire and a few police officers are going to check the school tonight and ask the students. We have to hide you."

"What?! I'm not going to hide and be a coward. Especially tonight when it happens."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can't say it, otherwise it'll make me more vulnerable."


"I don't know how else to say it. This could be the last day of my life. I might never come back here again..."

The police came into the gym and started interviewing everyone they could.

I was scared.

Troubles, Tragedies and Demons {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now