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Sabrina woke up later that night feeling horrible. All through the night she tossed and turned, worrying about if Rick and the gang were ever going to come back. And when she did fall asleep, she would have nightmares that would wake her up. She got up and checked on Ana, she was still asleep, then she went down to check on Judith. When she entered she saw Carl, Carol, Axel and Beth. Beth was holding Judith while talking to Axel.

"You are good with her. You got little sisters?"


"How old are you anyway?"


"Seventeen. Interesting."

Sabrina looked at Carol and she looked at Sabrina, both of them were a little uneasy about Axel's questions. "May I speak with you?" Carol asked Axel.


Carol nodded her head at Axel. Sabrina gave a small smile to Carol and Carol gently put a hand on her shoulder before walking away.

"I'll be right back."

The Hell you will.

Axel got up and walked to Trixie. "Hello Sabrina."

"Hi." She said forcing a smile.

When Axel left Sabrina dropped the smile with a roll of her eyes. "You ok Beth?"


"He wasn't badgering you with questions was he?"

"No. It was pretty silent in here until a couple of minutes ago."

"You want me to take her?" Carol's voice came as she stood in the doorway.

"Could you?"

Carol gently took Judith from Beth, giving her a break. Carl and Beth left the cell, leaving Carol and Sabrina alone.

"So was Axel's conversation getting to where I think it wars getting to?"

"Yeah. She's just a child herself. He even thought I was a lesbian."

"What?" She asked with a chuckle of disbelief.

"Mmm Hmm. He said because of my short hair he thought that I was one."

"Stereotype much? I knew this girl in high school, she had black hair going to her waist and she was a lesbian. She always hit on me but I politely declined."

Carol chuckled at that. "Sabrina, you look like a wreck, you should try to get some more sleep."

"I can't get to sleep. I'm worried about them. And if I do get to sleep I have nightmare that wake me up. Do you want me to help you with her?"

"No, I've got it. Now you go get some sleep, we've got another big day later."

"Alright but if you need anything, please wake me up."

"I will."

"Night Carol."

"Night Sabrina."

Sabrina walked out of the cell and up the stairs back to her room. She made it half way up when Axel called out to her. She inwardly groaned then turned around to face him.

"Before you speak Axel let me say something. You lay a finger on me or my daughter, Daryl will shove his crossbow up your ass while stomping you into the ground. If I repopulate the world, I want it to be with someone that I love. Now what were you going to say?" She said nicely.


"Alright. Goodnight Axel." She said before going to her room.

She laid on her bed and went to sleep again. Sabrina woke up gasping for breath because of another nightmare. She got out of bed again and went down the steps. When she got there she saw four new people and a dead woman.

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