The beginning

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07.04 am

Waking up today was extremely hard. Going to bed late yesterday was probably a bad idea, but I was trying to find out more about my mothers secret man.

Turns out he used to be quite famous back in the day, having a youtube channel with over 3 million subscribers and almost 6 million followers on instagram.

I'm honestly surprised that I didn't notice who he was, his name is Grayson Dolan.

And he is fucking hot.

When I met him yesterday in the hallway he seemed just as surprised as I was, I mean I have good looks as well not gonna lie, and I'm confident enough to say it.

My dad was a handsome man and I got most of my genetics from him, therefore explaining my outstanding good looks.

I went to school today without meeting Grayson on my way out, I believe he slept in or left before I woke up.

Either way I didn't see him.

My mom seems desperate to be close to him all the time, so desperate she even gave him my dads old keys.

Everything I do or say seems to be associated back to my dad and my mom seems to miss him.

Believe it or not, she really did love my dad, no matter how she's acting right now.

But I can tell that Grayson is important to her in some way, the way she blushes everytime his name is brought up or the way her mood just suddenly changes when she receives texts.

I want to get to know this guy who seems to make my mom happy after she lost the love of her life.

-After school-

I parked my dads old car outside our house. There was another car standing right by the garage and it was not my mothers car.

It's probably Grayson's car.

As I made my way into our house the same familiar aroma filled my nostrills, along with a scent of my favourite dinner.

My mom never makes my favourite dinner. The last time she did that I was brought the news of my dads illness.

As I made my way to the kitchen my mother was placed behind the kitchen island with utensils in her hand, pacing back and forth.

In front of her on one of the bar stools was the same backside of the guy I had seen roaming our hallway late at night.

"Hey honey how was school?" My mom asks not diverting her eyes away from her cooking.

"It was fine. What's going on here anyway?" I ask confused.

"Uhm, we just have some things to talk about, and I thought let's make your favourite dinner. Well Grayson thought." She said and giggled as she turned her eyes to the guy sitting in front of her.

Damn. My mothers in love with this person.

Suddenly Grayson turned his head to where I was standing in the door frame.

His gaze becoming frozen at the sight, almost like he had just seen a miracle of a girl.

He then raised up from the bar stool and came over to me.

"Grayson Dolan." He said as he shook my hand (I'm shooketh)

"Andrea Valet."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Grayson said and looked at me.

I looked over at my mother who was still cooking, but seemed to tense up a bit.

"Dinners ready." She said as she brought the pot over to the white clothed table.

She had put my dads white flower printed tablecloth on. It was always her favourite, probably because my dad gave it to her.

"Smells great." Grayson said as he clapped his hands and rubbed them together as he walked over to the table.

I breathed out without even realizing that I was holding my breath in the first place. And then lifted myself from the door frame as I moved one foot in front of the other to reach the table where my mother was sitting with Grayson.

I suddenly felt nauseous. There on that seat where the incredibly handsome yet quiet man sat, should be my fathers seat.

The man my mom loved. The man I called my father. And I realized, I will never call this man my father. He could as well be my brother.

He could as well be my boyfriend.

"Eat some dinner baby, I made it just for you." My mother took a pause from her eating and turned her attention to me for the first time since I entered this house today.

"Sorry, I just don't feel too good. I think I'm just gonna bring my food to my room." I grabbed the end of my plate and got ready to head upstairs.

"Actually we wanted to talk to you." I turn my attention to the quiet boy who now spoke. He looked at me with this expression in his eyes. I couldn't quite make up what it was.

"Fine two minutes." I said and sat back down.

"Grayson is moving in with us." My mom searched my face for a happy expression, yet that was not what she received.

"Mom this is crazy! This man could as well have been you're son! He's probably not even older than Adam!" I got up and left without my food. Now I had less of an appetite. Now I was mad.

Right that moment all I wanted to do was talk to someone. I wanted my dad. The only one I wanted to talk to, wasn't even here.

I grabbed my dads car keys and decided to drive the car to Adams place. Anywhere would be better than here.

I need to get out of there before I kill someone. That someone most likely being Grayson. My mothers lover.

It's outttt!!! I had so much fun writing this first chapter and I really hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think anddd yeah. I'll see ya 😂

My mothers lover • g.b.dWhere stories live. Discover now