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(Sorry for the loooooong inactivity, but I have not been on here for a long time, and I'm not as excited about my books anymore : D So I'm just going to post a final part, even though it's not the longest.)

Gray ❤️

Hey, I'm outside.


Two seconds, I want to ask Adam if he can bring his girlfriend here and keep mom company.

Gray ❤️

Okay you want me to come inside?


Uh no. I think you should stay outside

I called Adam and he answered after a few short rings.

«Hey Andrea! Were you coming back here or not?»

«No, not in the nearest future. But hey, mom is really down right now and I promised a friend to hang out, so if you and your gf could keep her company for a couple hours that would be great! Oh, and she could use some good news too.

Adam told me when I stayed there that his girlfriend may be pregnant.

«You know what? Yeah I miss mom, we'll come over there in 30. Are you leaving right away?»

«Yeah my friend is waiting outside right now.»

«Oh okay just leave, we'll be there.»

«Oh and Adam?»

«Yeah Andy?»

«She misses dad. So much.»

«She's not alone.»

We hung up and I put on my jacket and went outside to our front yard where Grayson was waiting on our tree swing.

«Is your brother coming over?»

«Yeah, luckily. So let's go?»


We entered the car and he started driving away.

I asked him after about five minutes where we were actually going and he just said it was a surprise and kept driving. But what surprised me most was when he placed his hand on my thigh. It didn't bother me, I actually wanted him to.

After driving around for awhile he stopped at this diner in the middle of nowhere, a beautiful nowhere either way.

The diner was placed off side the road, and it was surrounded by fields of flowers, and the diner itself was really small and full of charm.

We got inside and sat down at a table next to the window.

«Me and my twin brother Ethan liked to come here when we wanted privacy from like, everyone.»

I laughed, «wish I had a place like that.»

We talked and laughed and ate. It was a pretty good date.

After eating he took me outside and dragged me through the fields of flowers. They were really tall so I got a lot of leaves stuck in my hair.

We came to this circle looking thing right in the middle of the field where the flowers were replaced by just normal, soft grass.

Grayson just went over and layed right down on the ground, so I decided to do the same.

I was maybe one or two centimeters away from him just incase he wanted some spaced, but he seemed to be moving closer to me, but I didn't mind.

We just layed there and looked at the stars and listened to the crickets.

«Is it weird that I actually used to hate crickets?» I asked

«How can you hate crickets?»

«I don't anymore, but I started out thinking they were annoying af, but then after my dad died and we moved, I used to sleep with my window open, and the sound of the crickets were the only thing helping me sleep. It was just a time when I was really low.»

«Yeah, it must be hard. My dad has cancer, and I don't see him much, and I keep thinking like what if I wake up one day and he's just gone?»

I wanted to look at Grayson so I decided to turn around and lean my head on my hand. But by the time I had gotten in position, I noticed that Grayson was already looking at me.

«I think I was destined to meet your mom, but not to be with your mom, but to meet you.»

I laughed.

«That was a long and hard sentence, but I understand where you were going with it.»

He smiled and diverted his eyes from my eyes to my lips.

He leaned in slowly and kissed me, causing me to gently lay down on the ground and him being on top of me.

Being under an open sky, surrounded by stars and the sound of crickets was completely amazing, but for some reason, it wouldn't be amazing without Grayson.

Guess my mom is the perfect matchmaker.

My mothers lover • g.b.dOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora