Chapter 13

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The truck roof is the first thing you see as your eyes pop open. The soothing rocking means its moving, but by who? Rick had the keys, and hes missing. You pull yourself up from the bottom of the back seat and see that Michonne is driving. In the passengers seat, is Rick. 

"R-Rick?" you stutter. 

Michonne and Rick look back at you. Rick's smile appears on his face along with a jubilant laugh. You reach up to hug him but Michonne stops you. 

"Hold on. Look." She says as she motions to his arm. 

You look at Michonne and Rick panicked. Closing your eyes was your initial motion at this point. Fear builds up inside as you slowly look down. There is a large bloodstain in his shirt, and this one looks recent. You look up at Rick. He glances at you then at the ground near his ankle. Your eyes follow his and see that his boot is off and pants are rolled up. 

You look at him with sad eyes, "What happened?" 

"When we were killing the Walkers," He starts, "I-I was followed by two of them. I only had 1 bullet and I knew this wasn't going to end well. I shot one, leaving one to follow me. I didnt bother looking down, and there was this tree trunk. I tripped and fell on the ground. That's how I broke my ankle." 

You notice a stream of warm water flowing down your face. Rick's pain causes you pain, you hate to hear in him pain, let alone see him beaten up. 

Michonne looks at him telling him to finish. He looks out the window then continues his story. 

"When I was on the ground, the Walker happened to get onto me. I pushed it off and killed it. That was that. I tried to get up, and I managed for a couple yards. Then i stumbled and fell onto a piece of scrap medal. Cut up my arm pretty bad. I'm just lucky it wasnt a bite." he finishes. 

By now, tears are flowing at a constant speed down your face. Rick looks at you and tears up at the sight of you crying. You notice that he sees you and quickly wipe your eyes. Looking down, you curl up into a little ball on the car seat. Rick sniffles and looks back in front of him. Michonne continues to drive, acting like nothing happened. 


When you three pull into the driveway to the house, Daryl is outside with Carl and Jessica. Jessie and Carl stop playing in the October leaves and smile super big. You look at Jessica and you instantly feel a little better. She waves at you and laughs at the sight of her older sister. As soon as Michonne stops the truck, you pop out and help Rick into the house. 

"What the hell happened?!" Daryl shouts as you lay Rick onto the couch.

 Carl can see that Daryl's bickering isnt helping the group, so he sends Daryl to go get the medical bag. As he leaves the room, Jessica comes and sits by you. She looks at Ricks wounds and starts to scoot closer to you. 

"He's going to be fine. I promise, sweet pea." You reassure. 

Jessica looks up at you then back down at Rick who is looking directly at you. He chuckles and then rests his hand behind his head. 

"What's so funny? Your condition isnt anything less that concernable. Plus, arent you worried about Carl being scared?" You question. 

Rick looks at you and then at Carl, "My boy's 14, he has seen many things and has had to do things that many 25 year olds cant do. He's strong." 

You smile at him, "Just like his father." 

Rick smiles and holds your hand. You automatically turn fire truck red and bite your lip. Chuckles from Michonne and Daryl in the background make you kind of... happy. Maybe theyre jealous. Or maybe they're just dumbfounded by the thought that there could be some sort of connection between two people at the end of the world. 

As the day goes on, you tend to Rick's wounds and slave to his every need. Rick cracks a joke once in a while or even talks about others in the group. He talks about the prison, about one other couple; Glenn and Maggie. He shares they're willingness to even start something so risky in this world. His grip on your hand starts to tighten as he starts to talk about the Governor, who you learn is a down right coward, at least, thats how Rick described him. 

Rick and you talk until its dark out and the stars are the only thing that illuniating the county.  You look out and see that night has fallen. 

"Oh shit, you should rest." you say as you pull away. 

Rick grabs you by the wrist and pulls you in, and before you it, you and Rick Grimes are kissing. 

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