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  The noise of the city awoke me. Looking outside the window I noticed that the day had started. I had finally found a place to live, for now.

  I've been running. Running since that night. You might ask running from what? Well, the police. I'm Ethan, but I usually go by different names. I'm a criminal. A killer to be exact. A skilled one at that too. I made a big mistake a year ago and now I'm running away from punishment. No place is safe for me anymore. Sigh!

  I'm Ethan, but I usually go by different names. So don't get confused if I'm called something else along the way.

  I spend most of my free time searching for a better place than the one I'm currently living in. A safer place. Right now I need to get to work. Being late isn't my style.

  I work as a swimming instructor to little kids. They can get a little annoying sometimes but they love swimming, so I can basically handle them. I work three shifts. One in the morning at seven a.m, second in the evening at three p.m and last at night at six p.m.

  I have to wake up early but I'm used to it. I'm not a breakfast person so I usually just have a fruit to start my day. The day was a beautiful one most of the students were already there.

  'Alright people let's get moving. I wanna see all of ya become pros. Let's go. Chloe less talking. More swimming. Aaron, the water is not a monster! Take that look off your face. Sophia, Mary, Tony, good job.'

  I looked around. Most of the kids were doing their best. I went around correcting mistakes and helped them improve. My partner Stan also helps out.

  By eight all of their parents came to pick them up from the public pool. I went to pick up some groceries and things from the supermarket right after.

  My salary allows me to buy the least possible things since I have to pay a fortune for rent. That's also the reason I prefer to make my own lunch, rather than make easy work and buy it.

  Groceries bought and all, I went to do the laundry, one of the things about housework I hate. Another thing I hate is doing the dishes. It feels like I practically live in water! And the feeling is not good.

  Right then a ball came flying right through the window. I caught it before it would go crashing into any furniture. I would have to pay for the damages then.

  Then came the knock and when I opened the door Sammy and Danny, the twins living next door, were standing with nervous faces on my door step.

  'Sorry, uncle Johnson. It was a mistake,' said Sammy.

  'Yeah, uncle Johnson we didn't mean it,' added Danny.

  'Hey, it's okay kids, just try to be more careful. You might break something or end up hurting someone,' I said trying to cheer them up.

  'Yeah we'll sure try,' said both together.

  As I returned the ball to Sammy I said with a smile,'By the way, that was a pretty good shot.' They both beamed and had big smiles on their faces.

  'Thanks a lot uncle Johnson.'

  With that they ran off to their house. I didn't realize that it was already lunch time.

  Well let's see what I can have for lunch. I made myself a tuna sandwich, grabbed a drink and sat on the couch in the living room.

  It was time for the daily news. I like staying updated. I knew about how the case one year ago is still being investigated. I feel as if some of the news about it is being kept a secret from the public. The Police don't just go Investigating cases for years and years.

  Time just flew and it was time for my next shift. I walked to the public pool like I always do. I can't afford a car, not even rent it. It really does not make much of a difference.

  This shift went better than that morning's. Most of these students are pretty good. Many go for state competitions. I don't have to take much trouble during this shift.

  My daily jog takes up my time after the second shift that ends at four-thirty. Right after that comes my last shift. This one consists of older children. Many of them are beginners, so it's the busiest of my shifts.

  My partner Stan also helps out during all three shifts. He's pretty good at the art himself. He's really helpful when you need him and he's a great companion. He always has a good word for all the students, even the ones that are really bad.

  My day usually ended like this.

  After the last shift I often go over to Stan's for dinner. His mom is a great cook. And she also likes having me around. His father passed away about four years ago, so the house is quite empty. She says I make the house lively when I come over. I doubt that, but I too like going over, saves me the time for making dinner.

  I reached home at about ten. The moment I reached out to open my door I noticed an envelope at my door step. I picked it up and took it inside without looking it properly, though I found it strange that anyone would send me post. This is the first thing that came to me through the post since I moved to this address.

  I locked the door, turned on the lights and dumped my stuff on the table. I sat on the couch and started to open the envelope. It was addressed 'To My Grandson Brian Johnson, From Grandma Jacqueline.'

  That was really strange. The address was correct, but I'd never heard of Grandma Jacqueline. I read the letter quickly, but I could not make any sense out of it.

  Then it hit me. Invisible ink. It was one of the ways our gang used to secretly communicate with each other. The name Jacqueline sounded like one of my fellow gang member's fake names.


  I quickly turned on my pocket lighter and kept the letter over it. Nothing happened. At first. Then the blank part of the paper started yellowing and I was angle to see hints of words here and there. I kept the lighter on for a little time.

  After two minutes I was staring at the note that was secretly sent through the post, to avoid reaching in the wrong hands. It had reached me safely. I just kept staring at it like I had never seen any thing like it before.

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