An Icy Romance

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The Glaceon seemed to have awoke to a pink, fluffy face. She didn't know what was going on, as the shiny Sylveon's face/lips grew closer and closer...As the kiss was ALMOST connected her trainer yelled out for her."EVEREST!" Pages called, awakening the poor Glaceon from her sleep. Dammit...The Glaceon thought, trudging to the living room where a familiar trainer was sitting on the couch.Her trainer's friend Cat had arrived at the house, with all her Pokemon sleeping in their pokeballs. Glaceon was the only one awake at the time(only Pokemon) and started wagging her tail. "Glace? Eon Eon?" The feminine Glaceon cursed herself for not speaking the actual human language. She tried to ask if Sylveon could be sent out. She loved Sylveon. Her pink fur, those fabulous ribbons, and her personality. What more can a gal ask for? Cat somehow understood Everest's language and sent out the sleeping pink Pokemon. 

( Pixel's POV)

"Syl?" The pink Pokemon woke up, awakening to Everest's beautiful teal eyes. Pixel blushed so much, she looked pinker than she already was. She didn't know she liked a girl this much. Everest was so elegant, beautiful, and she had such a stunning personality and stunning looks. Any guy would want her. But wait, aren't I a girl? I remember when we were little eevees, playing in Pages' backyard. We used to watch shows together, even though they weren't exactly FOR Pokemon. Really, I love Everest more than anything. I'm just too scared to admit it. I don't think she loves me the way I love her. But the problem is, I love Dark too. What would my boyfriend think about this? Would he freak out? Would he be chill? Would him and Everest start a fight? 

(Everest's POV)

She looks so cute when she blushes. Wait, she blushed? Because of me? What? I began to blush as well. "Ahh, young love." Cat exclaimed, smiling. I blushed intensely, because I knew Cat was right. I really did love Pixel. I really don't want to admit it. It'll probably just break our friendship. I would NEVER want that to happen. So unless she asks me, I'm not saying a word. She has a boyfriend too, which makes the situation WAY worse than it already is. Honestly, I hate Pixel's "boyfriend" with a burning passion. That pathetic excuse for a Pokemon being gets me pissed all the time. Happy's Umbreon( another friend of Pages) is Pixel's "boyfriend". Asshole deserves way less than Pixel. Really, he treats me like absolute crap. I hate him. If he goes to hell, i'll laugh and laugh for eternity. What am I saying..? That's too aggressive..But still, you get my point. 

Happy entered the room, all his Pokemon except his Umbreon were sleeping. He sent out Dark, Pixel's boyfriend. "Hey guys!" Happy jumped on the couch. "No jumping on my furniture." Pages said coming in with a plate full of cookies. "So, I heard Pixel has a birthday coming up~" Dark smiled, nuzzling her. "Yeah~" She said, kissing him. Everest's jealousy was off the hook( lol sorry for the joke) but she kept her cool. "SO, DARK..What are *you* doing here?" Everest spoke out, catching Dark's attention. "Our trainers will be staying together for a few months, hope you enjoy~" Dark laughed, pissing off Everest even more.

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