You make me sick

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A few hours later, Everest and Pixel were enjoying some lava cookies while Happy and Cat where having a battle. Pages was too busy grooming Rawr( Her Charizard) for her battle with the 8th gym leader of Johto. Everest was already done with her lava cookies, walking to the backyard, pushing open the slightly already opened door. She grabbed Pages' headphones and Ipod, but expected it to not fit. Surprisingly, the Ipod fit perfectly into her fur. 

I'm tugging at my hair

Everest was always trying to have her hair done perfectly before she saw Pixel. 

I'm pulling at my clothes

She remembered when her trainer put a scarf on herself and Pixel thought it was cute but Everest took it the wrong way and tried to make it picture-perfect. 

I'm trying to keep my cool

Whenever she's around Pixel, she always tries to keep her cool. 

I know it shows

Pixel always kinda knew that Everest always tried to keep her cool around her. Pixel never really knew why, though. 

I'm staring at my feet

Whenever Pixel was around Everest, Everest always seemed to of blushed. So she hid it by looking at the ground.

My cheeks are turning red

Everest always turned red when around Pixel.

I'm searching for the words inside my head

Everest can't ever seem to say things to Pixel properly after she fell in love with her. 

'Coz I'm feeling nervous

Everest always seems to be SUPER nervous when around Pixel.

Trying to be so perfect

She always tries to be perfect when around Pixel. She wants a positive comment about her looks from the Sylveon.

'Coz I know you're worth're worth it...yeah

She knows Dark doesn't deserve Pixel. She KNOWS it. 

Speak of the devil, Dammit. Here that asshole comes now. 

(btw the song is

"Hello~" Dark smiled and stepped over. "Heard you liked MY girlfriend, have an explanation?" "HELL NO, I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING TO YOU!" Everest blushed intensely, shocked at the fact he KNEW her secret. "Tell me, or i'll tell Pixel~" Dark smirked again. "F-fuck you! Fine..I just love her, OKAY?! IS THAT A GOOD ENOUGH ANSWER?!" "Sure." He chuckled, walking off. "That bitch.." She whispered to herself. 

{ The next day... }

She wanted revenge on Dark. She NEEDED revenge on Dark. He needs to pay, right now. And if it took work, it took work. She didn't give a shit, she just needed revenge. Her and Pixel were so close to being together, right until Dark stepped into the picture. Since then, he not only has broke me and Pixel's bond a bit, BUT TREATS ME LIKE CRAP.  She got out of her pokeball, walking into and then jumping on the couch. The sylveon was already sleeping on the couch, while Dark was...where was he? I could smell his scent..I walked outside, looking at a burrow that looks like a Leafeon made. But then, I heard kissing sounds. What the actual fuck? She jumped down, seeing Pixel's worst nightmare in front of her. "DARK, NOW EXPLAIN TO ME. RIGHT NOW. TELL ME." Dark turned his head to me, the raging glaceon. A string of saliva was connected to the Leafeon and Umbreon's mouths. "Ew, what the fuck?" I kept cursing because I was way too mad. He basically broke Pixel's heart by doing this, and that's where I drew the line. Fuck him. I hope he burns. I fired an ice beam at Dark, landing perfectly. Unfortunately, he didn't freeze. He stuck me with a few shadow balls and used Giga Impact, I dodged the Giga Impact, lucky for me.  I fired a blizzard and struck them perfectly again. Again, it didn't freeze. "Leave us alone, we were going for something wild~" "Ew. I'm out." I jumped out, walking inside. 

It seemed Pixel was already awake, listening to something like I did yesterday.

{ Pixel's POV }

I was dreaming of her again. I loved her way more than I loved Dark, but I couldn't leave him. That would just break his heart. Well, at least I can listen to songs...

Ah, ah ah
You're so good to me baby, baby

Everest, on Valentine's day, always got Pixel some chocolates.  

I wanna lock you up in my closet when no one's around

She was kinda selfish for Everest, probably due to love.

I wanna put your hand in my pocket because you're allowed

Pixel thinks that she's allowed to love this "asshole girl" (according to Dark)

I wanna drive you into the corner and kiss you without a sound

She wanted to kiss Everest in a small space. 

I wanna stay this way forever I'll say it loud

She truly wanted to be together with Everest, and she wanted this to be forever. 

Now you're in, and you can't get out

Everest can't get out of her mind.

(song is

She kept listening to songs. 


She dreams that Everest smooth-talks her :)

So rockin'

Poor Everest doesn't know that she doesn't rock Pixel's world

She's got everything that a girl's wantin'

She's smart, funny, cheerful and politeness

Guitar cutie

Surprisingly, Everest can play the guitar very good

She plays it groovy

Everest seems to always be groovy, too

And I can't keep myself from doing something stupid

Pixel fiddles with her thumbs and stutters when talking to Everest.

Think I'm really falling for her smile

One of the reasons she loves Everest is because Pixel thinks her smile is elegant.

Get butterflies when she says my name

Pixel always gets butterflies when Everest calls her name. 


{Dusk POV}

I guess you can say me and Pages' female meowstic are a thing now. She's just so pretty, I couldn't resist. I mean, all of Pages' pokemon were in a relationship. Even her Charizard. Whom was battling against a contest candidate, I knew so because it was playing on the T.V. . "Hey, Dusk?" Dutchess smirked, snuggling on top of me. "Yeah?" "Have I ever told you how much I love you? " "Maybe so, Maybe not." "Well, I love you from the farthest future and back~" She was so playful and loving, like my little sister, Pixel. "Dawwww..." 

(That's it for Chapter 2! WOO! It took me a few hours to write this ;-;) 

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