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I stared in the mirror. Adoring my white dress. My hair clipped up in an old fashion with my bouquet of lavender and daisies.

"You look so beautiful!" Maddy squealed.

"Thanks Mads," I giggled as I looked at myself again. I felt tears starting to swell in my eyes.

"Don't cry again Syd," she rushed by my side & hugged me gently.

"Sorry it's just," I put my finger on my eyelid, "I never thought this day would come."

"I'm happy it did. You deserve all of this," she smiled.

I smiled at her & started hearing the music.

"Holy crap it's time," I gasped & practically almost tripped over my dress.

"Syd calm down," she held my arm, "let's go."

The doors were opened & myself with Maddy & my bridesmaids made our way down to the venue.

"There she is," my dad smiled as he saw me enter.

"Daddy!" I squealed as I ran to him & hugged him.

I've always been a daddy's girl from the get go. But I felt maybe I betrayed a bit of his trust under the constraints that he didn't even know Harry & I were dating or the fact that he proposed a bit soon. But once he met Harry he saw that Harry is indeed a upstanding gentleman.

"Are you ready?" Louis asked with a smile.

"Yes," I nodded as everyone got to their places. The aisle music began to play & I gripped my dad's arm.

The hall doors opened & there I saw him. Harry. His head immediately flew in my direction & he had the hugest smile on his face.

My dad & I made our way down the aisle, I saw multiple smiles & tears from people sitting in the pews. I then saw a scowl from Sarah, my older sister but kept going because I was too overjoyed.

We stopped in front of the alter & my dad looked at me then at Harry. He placed a kissed upon my head & handed me over to Harry. He took my hands & smiled at me as he helped me up to the top of the alter.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time," he whispered sweetly.

It was true. We had. After he proposed we had to wait a long time to plan the wedding due to the release of the new album & the non stop touring. A whole year passed & even my twenty fourth birthday but it was all worth it to come to this day.

I paid close attention to the priest during the ceremony but most attention was on Harry & I could tell he was trying to make me laugh but I didn't take it. He always did that to me in serious situations but I never imagined on my wedding day.

"Now comes the moment of forever. The vows," the priest smiled & handed it over to us.

"Should I start?" Harry asked me.

"I love it when you start," I giggled.

"Well I love you," he giggled with me & the crowd cooed.

"Well, Sydney, my beautiful gem of the cosmos. I never thought this day would come. I had been waiting for it. For the day I got to touch your finger tips. For the day I got to see your beautiful face before me. For the day I got to merge my soul with yours & watch us become one & I will say that this is the most uplifting day of my life. I never thought that I could have a better feeling other than being on stage & I discovered that feeling whenever I'm with you," he smiled & my tears were already pouring down my face.

"Too much?" he asked with a sweet chuckle as he wiped my tears.

"No. I'm sorry," I looked down as I continued crying but he lifted up my chin & blew a kiss at me.

"Harry, the prince I had been waiting for all my life. As we join together to form our holy matrimony I dub you as my king. Because you make me feel like a queen. I know everyone is after you & everyone has been after you but I am honoured to have captured your heart. Now I get to spend the rest of my life with a king. My king," I smiled warmly.

"Now do you Harold Edward Styles take Sydney Amanda Mainfield to hold and cherish. In sickness and in health till death do you part?" the priest asked.

"I do," he spoke.

"Now do you Sydney Amanda Mainfield take Harold Edward Styles to hold and cherish. In sickness and in health till death do you part?" the priest asked.

"I do," I smiled.

"I now pronounce you man & wife. Harry, I know you've been waiting so just do it," the priest laughed & Harry took me & kissed me dearly. A series of cheers surfaced as we kissed.

He pulled away & smiled & held my hand as we ran down the aisle escaping the crowd.

"Photoshoot time," Harry smiled as he kissed me again.


The day flowed through gently as we sat through speeches, dances & cake cuttings.

I was insanely overjoyed for Sydney. She had always been the wife type so I knew she definitely deserved to marry a guy that treats her like gold like Harry.

I was looking around the table. Bridesmaids & groomsmen were seated together & Niall kept making eye contact with me but never spoke.

It was weird. After what happened between us but I believe my days of chasing dick are over. After the whole Liam & Niall situation I got a bit of a wake up call. I decided to focus on being a photographer which landed me one of the best photographers in New York City & being very stable. My dad even bumped up my inheritance because of this. I was too good to be knocked off the top.

I headed for the dessert table & felt a presence next to me.

"Hey Maddy," Niall greeted me.

"Hey," I mumbled.

"You enjoying yourself?" he asked.

"Yeah. Really happy for the happy couple," I smiled.

"That could be us one day Y'know," he smiled.

"Oh wow," I rolled my eyes & took my plate to leave.


I was heading to the bathroom as I got continuous people congratulating me on today. It was then I was stopped by two people I didn't expect to be out.

Zayn & his new girlfriend, Erin.

"Hey Syd," Zayn smiled as he gave me a hug.

"Zayn," I smiled & hugged him.

"You remember Erin?" he asked.

"Of course," I smiled, "hey."

"Hi," she said mutely as she hugged me.

"I'm glad you guys could make it," I smiled.

"Sorry we didn't catch the ceremony but the reception was exceptional," he joked with a laugh.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves," I smiled.

"We did. Congratulations on you two," he smiled.

"Thanks," I nodded & walked away.

"Let's go babe," he said to Erin who seemed to fret but he sort of shoved her to walk. She looked back at me as I was opening the bathroom door & her face had worry written all over it.

Redemption & Escape - o.d [Lies & Secrets Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now