The Escape

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Just to let you know, if anyone doesn't know what a priest hole is. It's a secret hole/room in a wall that was used in the olden days where priests escaped from being killed. Alsooooo, if you're enjoying my book please let me know your thoughts/criticisms! Thank you!:-) P.S Don't worry the sexy billionaire will appear very shortly so keep an eye out in the next few chapters;)

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The next day I awoke bright and early, full of excitement. The sun was shining and the skies were a clear blue. I scanned my eyes across the room searching for Sophie. She was still asleep. Typical. I ran to her bed and prodded her on the back. I whispered to her, making sure not to wake the other girl, 'Sophie, wake up! I'll pour water over your head if you don't reply in five seconds.' I heard a rustle and then, a groan, 'Mble mm - What time is it?' She cried. I looked at the clock and noticed how early it was. Oh well. 'It's five am Soph, but at least it means the other girls won't know what we're doing.' I said hopefully. 'Fine. Give me ten minutes.' Whilst waiting for her I couldn't help but think how wonderful the world was going to be. The excitement was bubbling away inside of me. Maybe I'll find the girls that rescued me on that horrible night! If only I could have access to Miss Alex's files, I could find their addresses.

During my daydream, I hadn't realised Sophie was talking to me. 'Cassy? Earth to Cassy...' I was thrown back to reality and laughed. 'OK, so you know the priest hole we used to hang out in, we can go there and discuss our plan of action but first I want to know the address of the woman that brought me here.' Sophie looked doubtful, 'do you seriously think you'll find her? We know nothing of the outside world, it's been nearly eleven years, she may have moved house or country.' I thought about this, she was right but I was determined not to give up. 'So? I've read hundreds of books, almost every book in that damn library, I know a thing or two about the world.' It was true, I had read everything. No one could keep me away from the library, it was my security. 'Well, I know that Alex doesn't lock her study door at night, she never has. I noticed this a while ago, and I don't think she locks away the files either.' I became excited, 'why haven't you told me this before! Let's go!' 'Wait, what if we get caught? Then what happens?' 'We play innocence, I'll tell Alex I wanted to find out more about myself and apologise for invading her privacy.' She sighed as if to say this wouldn't work. 'Fine, let's do it.' We gathered anything that we may have needed and made our way towards the bedroom door. 'This is risky Cassy, we're going to get caught.' I glared at her and gestured for her to be quiet. I reached for the door knob and slowly turned the brass handle. So far, so good. The door creaked open, causing me to inhale my breath, we snuck onto the landing and made our way towards the banister, floorboards screeching. I took a deep breath. 'Right, the stairs are going to be the hardest part, we need to move quickly.' I grabbed Sophie's hand and placed my foot onto the top stair. A loud shrieking noise came from beneath me. My heartbeat was rising. I let go of Sophie's hand and dashed down the stairs creating minimal sound. Sophie followed closely. We both let out a sigh of relief. 'Cassy, I don't think it's a good idea that we look for the file..' 'Why not?' I said curiously, knowing what she would say. 'It's unrealistic, and anyway, they hardly rescued you, they brought you here which is notorious for its cruelties. We will probably get caught, it's too dangerous.' I sadly agreed, knowing that getting my hopes up would lead to disappointment. There was no point in finding out anything about my real mother. She was dead and I didn't even know her name. 'Come on, let's get to the hole in the wall. Cheer up, don't let that ruin your day.' She was right, always speaking sense.

We tiptoed down the winding halls and headed towards the large fireplace. No one used it, this part of the house was shut off. We discovered it by chance because we got lost one day. Sophie ran towards the brick wall and pushed against it. The brick door moved in what seemed like pain, slowly opening, revealing the tiny room. We climbed inside and pushed the door shut creating darkness. Sophie switched on her flashlight and pointed it towards me. I squealed in surprise and smashed my back against the stone wall, 'OWWW, Soph - OH MY GOD AHHH.' Suddenly, I was no longer leaning against the wall. There was a loud noise that reverberated through the house - I had fallen through the brick! 'Cassy!? Cassy!! Answer me, are you OK?!!' I groaned and looked up to the flashlight, she was quite high up. I began to stand up and fumbled around to try and find a side.

'Sophie, jump down quickly, you'll never believe what's down here!'

She jumped down and pointed her torch toward me, revealing a passageway. We looked at each other with hope and excitement. Then ran.

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