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We exited her suite and walked towards the loud thumping of the music. It seemed rather surreal, I felt like a princess, it was too good to be true in a way.

The night was young and I was incredibly excited but for some reason there was a nagging feeling in the back of my head that made me not want to go the party, maybe it was just nerves but something definitely felt wrong.

A light touch grazed my arm.

'What's wrong Cassy?' Lucy spoke softly. Seeming unusually cautious.

'I'm just a bit nervous, I've never done this before.' I joked, shrugging my shoulders.

'Everyone will love you, what's not to love? I'll be your guide, I promise.'

I felt a bead of sweat linger around the top of my forehead, my palms felt clammy and hot against Lucy's cool arm. I just wanted to turn around and go back. It was too late for that now. I couldn't let her down, besides, I was being stupid and overly sensitive.

The walk towards the party felt like forever, it did feel like being in a movie. 

'When we walk in, there will be stairs that we have to walk down which open up on to everyone, people will look but thats the way these parties go. Besides I'm the host.' She winked, dragging me towards the doors. 

Two men stood either side of the entrance and nodded at Lucy, then stared at me. I followed her, copying her every move. As we walked in I could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at us, it was like being in a room full of bats. I gulped. The heat rose to my chest as we walked further forward, the public scrutinising our every move maybe secretly hoping that we would mess up. 

A bright spotlight shone in our direction and I could hear the faint sound of whistling in the audience, it was terrifying. The staircase seemed never ending, I let out a sigh of relief when my feet touched ground level, I had made it. Before I had the chance to say anything to Lucy a storm of people came rushing over towards us ushering over Lucy, whilst eyeing me up. The women glared at me aggressively, I could feel their stares penetrating me. 

A glamorous woman kissed Lucy on the cheek and nodded at me. 

'Who is this little rocket Luce?' The girl spoke, with a hint of sarcasm and a strong arched brow. 

'This is Cassy, she is one of my bestfriends - Cassy, this is Alexandra. A famous IT girl in London.' She laughed. 

I looked at Alexandra and gave her a smile. Before I was about to speak she interrupted me. 

'So, who are you? I've never seen you before.' She quizzed, impatiently tapping her stiletto heel onto the marble floor. 

I cringed when she asked this - knowing my response would be dull, but I couldn't lie. 

'I work at the hotel, that was how we met.' I turned to look at Lucy for reassurance but she was gone, I looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. 

Alexandra sneered at me, her expression turning nonchalent. 

'How adorable, why aren't you serving the food then?' She spoke, staring at her phone, showing no interest in me. 

I became aggravated, she was purposely baiting me. I didn't understand why girls had to be so nasty, what had I ever done to her? 

'I was invited as a guest, not a server. Thats why.' I spoke, making sure to stay calm as I know she wanted a reaction from me. The look on her face proved she was bored, finally she looked up from her phone. 

'Be careful.' She spat. 'Be careful of the world your entering, it makes you bitter and twisted, don't be like me.' Her voice trailed off towards the end, the expression on her face had changed. I almost felt sorry for her. Her reply wasn't what I expected, I expected her to be nasty in response.

 But no..she gave me..advice? 

She walked away, her white dress trailing behind her. I shivered, goosebumps appearing on my arms. Seeing as Lucy had disappeared I decided to look for the food table, hoping there would be one, at least it would distract me. I didn't even know where Sophie was. In the corner of the room I noticed a long table that appeared to have food on, I walked over to it, my mood increasing. There were platters filled with tiny food, I couldn't work out what any of it was as it was too dark but I reached for the closest platter. 

Before I could even try the food a hand gripped  onto my arm. The touch made me jump, it was a woman. She peered at me through her glasses. She was a glamorous older woman and smelt so strongly of perfume it offended my nose. 

'Sorry to make you jump darling - my name is Rosalie. I just wanted to say how struck I was when I saw you. I noticed you when you walked down those stairs. You are stunning, why haven't I seen you before?' She questioned, her voice was kind and non judgemental. I instantly warmed to her. 

'Oh.. um thats so lovely of you to say, I am friends with Lucy, the host. I only work for the hotel as a waitress. Sorry to disappoint you.' I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the floor. I felt her hand again, she lifted up my chin and looked at me in the eye. 

'Why would I ever be disappointed? Your beautiful. Its refreshingly nice to see someone who isn't stuck up their own backside. Stay the way you are. Whats your name?' Her warmth almost made me want to cry, I hadn't cried in so long. 

'Its Cassy. Is this what being rich is like?' I questioned, curiously. 

'No, no its not. You just get some people who are very self obsessed. Its not all like that. There are many  perks. A perk which I'd like to offer you.' She smiled. She was very pretty, glamorous. She looked as though she could've been a film star.

 I wondered what she meant, why would she ever have anything to offer me?

'What do you mean?' I mumbled, pursing my lips. She shot me a winning smile, revealing her perfect teeth. I was in awe, she truly was mesmerising. She reached for her small leather bag that she was carrying and unzipped the top, she faffed around looking for whatever she was looking for. 

'AH HA!' She cried, pulling out a small piece of card. 'Found it.' I looked at the card she was holding and wondered what on earth her proposition was. 

'I run STORM modelling agencies.' She spoke, looking at me directly. 'It is the worlds leading agency and I know this may seem a bit taboo considering your not very tall but I've been searching everywhere for the perfect girl and no one seems to make the cut, but you. You are everything I have in mind. Your looks are astounding and something the world should definitely see.' There was a shrill of excitement in her voice, I was about to speak but she carried on. 

'I have been partnered with vogue and have been on the look out for a cover girl to represent my growing petite section. It is something that isn't recognised often enough and I feel you would be perfect for it. Obviously, we would need to test you in front of a camera first, but this would change your life monumentally. If you accept my offer you would never regret it - I would make sure that you would be looked after thoroughly. We have a really caring team and all your needs would be looked after. I really hope you would consider this, its a huge opportunity that doesn't happen to just anyone. This is my business card, call me tomorrow if your interested. If I don't hear from you ill take it that your not.' She passed me the card and squeezed my hand.

 I stuttered, I couldn't take it all in. It was too much. I was in shock, I definitely wanted to do it. How amazing would that be? To go from the orphanage to becoming a cover girl for vogue, I have read the magazines all my life, the women in there are so glamorous. That would be me. I beamed at the lady and nodded my head. 

'It would be an honour, I will call you tomorrow. Thank you so much for this unreal opportunity.' 

She looked at me and smiled. 'The pleasure is all mine darling, I will speak to you tomorrow.' She turned around and waltzed off leaving me dumbfounded. 

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