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Hi!! Be warned this chapter is incredibly short because I'm building up to a big and exciting chapter. You'll get to see Sophie's pov in this chapter, so enjoy! :) Sophie won't have many povs, if any at all but this was just to give you an insight to how she's feeling.

The warm sun shone through on to my face. Bliss. We were outside and nowhere near the orphanage.
'I can't believe it..we've finally escaped. We've left the orphanage.' It didn't feel real, maybe I was in some kind of dream. Eleven years of our life was spent inside of that place and now we determinately have the chance to escape it.
We travelled gradually for what seemed like hours, the light was beginning to fade and the temperature began to drop. I took in the resplendent surroundings that I was currently being submerged into. Life was a gift and I was sure not to waste it. Picturesque cobbled villages with honeysuckle, surely I was dreaming. The honeysuckle had a life of its own, climbing the stone walls engendering comely patterns, it was idyllic.
Life began to conclusively feel better, time had passed before we reached the hustle and bustle of the sizably voluminous town. It was noisy and brimming with people.
I couldn't help but feel awfully self-conscious ambulating down the street in my dirty tshirt. People were  examining me and craning their necks to get a glimpse of the outlandish looking girl. Women sniggered and persistently stared at  me from head to toe in disgust, just like the orphanage did.

Sophie's P.O.V
Why couldn't I be her, I hated her for it. I didn't genuinely hate her but my body ached with jealousy. Everybody was looking at her and not me. I was just the boring friend.
It was quite amusing actually. One man tripped up over a gutter lying on the pavement trying to catch a glimpse of her. How COULD I hate her? She was only ever kind to me, it was difficult though.
Life began to look good for me, running away from that awful place never seemed better. We needed money though and we retained none.
'cassy, we need to find work, we have no money for anywhere to stay.' I shrugged my shoulders and waited for her reply. It sickened me, her optimism. 'Of course, lets look now. It'll be easy !' She smiled like butter wouldn't melt in her sweet mouth. We exasperated countless shops and restaurants. None of them were supposedly  'hiring', or they would only take Cassy and not me, their excuse was that I wasn't 'confident' enough and Cassy had what they were probing for.
What a lie..

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