You can't leave me

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A/N: Sia – Breathe me and My Love for this chapter


Static sound filled my mind which was now a black canvas of darkness. Using all my strength, I tried to pry open my eyes but it rendered to be useless - they were as heavy as lead.

The static sound began to fade and replaced with an annoying mumbling. Someone was around me and I wanted to quench my curiosity but there was no luck with the sense of sight gone along with my sense of smell making it very uncomfortable for me.

I decided to rely on my hearing.

The distant mumbling became louder - they were close to me. Slowly the sounds cleared up as did my nose apparently as I could detect the faint smell of blood nearby and the hunger returned. So hungry. Snapping my eyes open, I searched for the source of this delicious smell.

Ripping away from the surface I lay on, I looked around, my once blurry sight had cleared. Searching my surroundings, I was confused with where I was. How did I get here? Forget that - anger.

What is she doing here?

Her eyes held fear but I didn't care as I rushed over to her, my fingers gripping around her fragile little neck pushing her onto the wall behind her.

"Came back for more huh?" narrowing my eyes at her. She struggled to free herself but I pushed her more into the wall, ignoring her pleas.

"Isabelle - it's me - it's Elena" she pleaded, crying for my mercy. My sense tried to tell me she was right but my body controlled my mid as it felt the hunger.

"Even better" my voice was of a predator and I loosed my grip alightly then felt as the veins popped under my eyes, hardening the skins and my fangs extend as I moved in for the pulsing vein. Her feeble hands were weak as they hit my chest trying to free herself. Sense and reasoning made me fight so I hesitated for a second and then I pushed myself to fight and let go of her.

"Argh" clutching at my head which felt as if it would explode. Sinking to my knees, I pulled at my hair. The heat returned to overwhelm me and the hunger still screamed for attention.

"Run El...Elena" begging for her to leave. Every fibre of my being wanted to chase after her.

And that's what I did.

She was running downstairs so I jumped down to stand in front of her before she got down. Her eyes screamed for her life as she gasped, he phone on her hand.

"I just want a little taste" inclining my head to look at her as I stalked towards her. My feet were slow with their movements as my predator insticts came to life.

"Is- p-please. You don't want to do this" her stuttering made me even more excited. I didn't feel like me - it was like I watching this scene unveil from a distance.

Hunger - morality - anger - hunger - rage - heat was becoming suffocating.

Anger urged me to punch the wall nearest to me. What was happening to me?

All I could hear was the loud pulsing of her blood as it rushed around her body and all I would think of was ripping opening up her pretty little neck so I could drink her every drop.

Another step forwards, she pressed her back onto the steps behind her but I kept moving forward.

STOP! My humanity tried but I was past caring. The smell was so enticing and I was so hungry. Her neck was on display, taunting me and I came closer... Just one bite.

"This won't hur-"

"Elena!" Stefan burst through the door, Alaric next to him and I watched as he shot at me with the wooden bullets.

Taken by surprise, I was too slow to dodge so I ended up on the floor, grateful to the pain that was inflicted onto the injured arm because it stopped me from hurting anyone.

Sense broke through an I felt the control in my limbs. "Just kill me. Please do it. I don't want to hurt anymore" I cried in multiple sobs, my whole frame shaking. All I could feel was the mind-numbing pain stopping me from even thinking clearly.

"Isa" Damon appeared from behind the two, ran over to me beside me. His eyes ran down my body then stopped at my torso. He acted quickly, his fingers inside me as he pulled out the wooden bullets. He pulled another from my shoulder and then bit into his hand placing the dripping blood to my lips but I shook my head,

"I was going to hurt her - I-I wanted to hurt her. I don't - I don't w-" no words finished that sentence as I looked up at him hoping he'd understand. It was my time to go and I would gladly incite death.

"You can't leave me" his eyes were read as he stars down at me. His arm moved closer to my lips but I moved my head away from it. Next thing I knew, Damon gripped my head and forced the bleeding wound into my mouth.

"Damo-" Stefan called from behind.

"Don't you dare" he threatened, his eyes remaining locked with mine. No life lighted his eyes - the mischief was gone and no spark held his expression. There was no smirk - no sign of living. His complexion was more ashen, his eyes bloodshot as he stated down at me.

Blood forcibly ran down my throat as I tried to struggle but I was too weak. Once he saw I had enough, he pulled his arm away gently and I gasped, coughing and splattering but he just state there on his knees looking at me with a pained expression.

"You can't leave me" he croaked out. As much as I wanted to slap him, I reached out desperately to hold him to me. He angled my body so that he cradled me, his arms were tight around me.

"I don't want to"

(Brief A/N: Was going to stop there but thought this part would be important)



I was woken by a whisper of my name. Sitting up, I looked to my side and found Damon was laying there in a deep sleep.

This was the only time he actually looked peaceful and like the Damon I knew.

There were no creases on his forehead from frustrations, there was no smirk to hide his buried sadness. His chest Rose and fell and he sighed in his slumber.

I know I should be angry with him for forcing his blood in me even with the fact that all it did was slightly stabilise me. The pain was still there in my arm but it was dull, all he'd done was lengthen my short time on this earth.

It was a fact. I was dying.

Gently, I stroked his face then pushed the strands of hair away from his face. He sighed again and I smiled as he places his arm around my waist.

Suddenly, my ears perked up to the light footsteps that came from downstairs - only a vampire would've been able to hear the soft tap on the wooden floor, yet it sounded vaguely familiar.

Looking back at Damon, I stroked his face once more and then pulled my weight off the bed, straining the pained groan threatening to escape. Gently I pushed his arm away and began to quietly walk downstairs.

Once I was out the door, the stairs seemed endless and when permitting a small groan, I began to weakly take them one by one.

Finally I landed on the bottom and looked from both sided but caught nothing out of the ordinary. Urgh the irony - I remembered when I did this to Damon.

Walking towards the kitchen, I aoudad when hearing the whoosh sound from behind me.

"I can smell you so why don't you just show yourself" it came as a harsh whisper. It was true that I could sense the all too familiar scent and a dread came over me as the shadowed visitor showed himself.

As if things couldn't get more complicated. He just had to show up.

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