Valedictory service

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Scene 7

(In Esther international college the school was having a valedictory service for their outgoing student in the beautiful school compound, everyone was happy it was such a bright day.)

Oyin : Senior jummy are your parent coming , I was asked to give them this food but I haven't seen anyone that looks like them

Jumoke : Darline don't worry about that, am used to it they wont come

Oyin : Am so sorry, but they should have been here to spend some minutes with you now, I don't like what they are doing to you its so unfair

Jumoke : That's life for you my dear just don't trust anybody trust in God and yourself

Oyin : Don't be sad at least your honey is here to make today sweet for you and senior angela is also here for you as usual we will always be by your side

Jumoke : Oyin you and this your sugar coated tongue what a sweet mouth you have there as a kid anyway thanks for being my school honey I know you are not fake like some people

Oyin : School mother you flatter me too much am coming back Make sure you give the gifts to mum and dad

Jumoked: Thank you dear I will

(Shalewa and angela discussing under the tent , they were so happy as one of the outgoing student)

Shalewa : I thank God for this day, am so happy my mum prepared lots of dishes today

Angela : Girl you are not the only lucky one am also very happy and my parents are here to celebrate with me my aunt prepared lots of snacks

Shalewa : (Smiles ) That's how its meant to be I just feel so sad about jummy's case

Angela : Yeah you are right I feel for the girl ooo

Shalewa : See your mouth like you feel for the girl ooo , is she not your friend even if her parent wont be there for her cant you be there I wonder what came upon the both of you

Angel : Shalewa please its not your business I thought you are also her friend go and console her now

Shalewa : Am her friend just a friend Angela you are her best friend you have to stand by her if I was privileged to be one of her closest friend I swear I wont waste my opportunity I really wanted to be her close friend but she doesn't like me to that extent

Angela : Alright have heard you but you see jummy is not that matured we are not in talking terms presently and if I approach her she will feel am mocking her

Shalewa : When will you people end this madness since ss1 third term you have not been in talking terms over what self, even teachers couldn't settle your quarrel I wonder what started all this when its not like you people are fighting over a man

Angela : Shalewa just hang it there, how many people are fighting over a man just because I stoop so low to talk to someone like you doesn't mean you should insult me, if you tried this rubbish with other girls don't ever in your lifetime try that rubbish with me nonsense why am I even talking to her

Shalewa : Wait whats wrong with you what have I said wrong you girls in this school don't know your levels at all just because I like making friends doesn't mean you girls can treat me like trash,I understand if other girls insult me but I don't expect it from a wretched girl like you, I stooped so low to talk to a scholarship holder like you yet you have the guts to insult me

Angela : Thank you mrs dangote, oyedepo's child I can see that you are the latest davido if you like continue blabbing and bragging about how rich you re but let me tell you straight to your face you are just an empty barrel you have nothing upstairs you are so useless to yourself and our country at least am independent my parent save their money to themselves, for people that have sense they know being on scholarship is a good thing to brag about compared to fools bragging about how their parent lavish money on them yet they come out with empty brain every year, they just passed through school school didn't pass through them, don't go and think about your life keep pock-nosing into people's life and keep saying how they fight on men I wonder what result waec will dash you self ( She hissed and walked away) Empty barrels bragging over low IQ

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